Jobs (Part 2)

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-----Alby's POV-----
At the moment, I am in the council hall with all the other keepers, deciding what job (Y/N) should get.

"Okay everyone, let's start discussing what job would suit (Y/N) best." I yelled over all the load gladers. They all took there seats and sat in silence, waiting for me to speak again.

"Okay so first we have Gally." I said, while gesturing for him to start speaking. He stood up and started speaking.

"While (Y/N) was with me, she wasn't with me for long," he started. "but she proved that she could be a fantastic builder..."

-----Time Skip-----
After TWO hours of discussing, we still couldn't decide what job (Y/N) should have. Every keeper wanted her to work with them, it seemed like she was good at everything.

"Right guys, we need to come to a decision!" I shouted over the arguing boys. "We need to come up with an idea to finally come up with a decision."

"Why don't we just pull names out of a bag or something?" Winston suggested. That didn't seem like a bad idea...why not?

"Okay we will do that." I decided. "But she will have two jobs since she is so good at everything!"

After I said this, Frypan started to give out paper for people to right there names on and then collected them in a bag. He passed the bag to me and I pulled a name out.

"Clint!" I yelled. "And..." As I said this the boys waited in suspense for who the next lucky keeper was going to be. "Frypan!"

The two boys, (who's names I pulled out) jumped out of their seats and ran to high-five each over.

"Right, so she can cook breakfast and dinner with Frypan and work with the medjack's during the day." I declared and then dismissed the meeting to go tell (Y/N).

Hi guys, we know this chapter is short but we are really tired. We will update soon and hopefully it will be longer!
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~S and H~

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