A sad day in the glade

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-----(y/n) POV-----
I have just started being a med-jack for the day, Clint and Jeff have gone off on an emergency while I stay here. Currently I'm sorting out the medical supplies when the door bursts open. I see a person being carried by Minho and Alby, one arm slung over each shoulder. It was Newt.

"What happened!?" I ask frantically while they lay him down on the bed.

"I found him in the maze pretty scratched up and with his leg bending the wrong way." Alby told me, worry written all over his face.

"Get Clint and Jeff, I can't do this by myself." I told Minho, he ran off to find them while I started to get the supplies out. I looked over my shoulder to see Alby watching an unconscious Newt, with a glint of guilt and worry in his eyes.

"It's my fault this happened." He said sadly sitting on a stool behind him. It broke my heart since he looked like he was about to cry.

"Of course it's not your fault, why would you think it was?" I asked rather confused.

"I was the one that let him in the maze, he wanted to see if he could find something to help us. He seemed really depressed around the glade for the last couple of weeks, I guess he tried to jump off the wall." he told me, I went over to him and crouched down in front making him look into my eyes.

"Alby, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't of known." I told him and gave him a hug.

"Thanks (y/n)." He said hugging me back. We broke apart when Minho, Jeff and Clint rushed into the room.

"What happened?" Jeff asked clearly worried for Newt.

"I'll explain later," I told him as we got to work.

-----time skip-----
We've just finished mending Newt to the best we can and he was currently resting. We had all gone to dinner that I helped prepare, the atmosphere of sadness, glum and full of guilt had settled over all of us.

I go up to Frypan and grab my dinner, we gave each other small, sad smiles before I turned and walked over to my usual table - but this time without Newt. No one really talked while we ate. When we were finished we took our plates up to Frypan and walked back to the med-jack hut to check on Newt.

When I got there, Newt was awake and sitting at the edge of the bed. He noticed my presence and looked over his shoulder.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," I said. We just stayed there in an awkward silence. "Why did you do it." He sat there for a few moments contemplating what to say.

"I don't know, but all I know is that I'm fed up of this place and I wanted to escape." He told me looking down while playing with his hands. I sighed and sat down next to him.

"Well there are others ways with dealing with it, without trying to commit suicide." I said carefully picking my words, trying not to hurt him.

"I know, I didn't know what to do. I'm just really sick of this place." He told me while looking over at me then looking down again.

"Just remember I'm always here for you - we all are, we have to stick together. It's all that matters." I told him grabbing his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I know, it's just...." He said but stopping mid sentence. I could tell he wasn't up for talking much so I wasn't going to push for answers.

"Don't worry," I told him, pulling him into a sidehug while he rested his head on my shoulder."it's okay."

"Thanks (y/n), I don't know what I could've done without you." He said, half sincerely, half joking.

"I know right, what would you do without me." I told him putting a hand to my heart. He just chuckled in response. "Well, you should get some rest now. I think everyone's heading to bed." I told him. I stood up off the bed while he lay down and got comfortable as I started walking out of the hut to my own room in the homestead.

"Goodnight." I heard a raspy voice tell me. I turned back to see Newt on his side, already looking at me. I gave him a smile.

"Goodnight." I told him, leaving the hut and heading towards the homestead I said goodnight to all the gladers I passed and they returned it. When I got to my room I changed and climbed into my bed. Just before I fell asleep I was thinking about how sad it was that Newt jumped off the wall but glad that he remembered that we were all there for each other. I smiled to myself as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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