Chuck (part 2)

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-----(y/n) POV-----
I just finished helping in the kitchen and was walking towards the med-jack hut, when I saw a group of about 6 gladers surrounding someone - it was Chuck. I started to walk over to them to stop what they were doing when the tallest one started pushing him around I broke into a sprint. I'm still not sure why but since the first day he got here I've had this instinct to protect him.

Once I got there I pushed through the circle and put Chuck behind me. I then turned towards the leader of the group, I think his name Paul. I jabbed my finger at his chest.

"What the shuck do you think you're doing?!" I hissed at him. He just chuckled in response and took my (s/c) hand in his bigger one.

"oh come on babe, we were just messing around." He said flirtatiously. I ripped my hand out of his and backed away when I realised the boys had formed a tight circle around us with huge smirks on their faces.

"Well what are you gonna do anyway?" One of the others asked. "You're just a girl."

Oh, he did not just say that.

"Excuse me?!" I said with a bit of sass. "The shuck did you just say!"

"That your just a girl." He said each word slowly in a mocking tone and with each word he took a step closer until he was right up in my face. "girls aren't good for anything except in the kitchen and pleasuring men." I could feel my blood boiling and the anger flowing through my veins. Another - whose name was Blake - put an arm around my shoulder.

"What are you gonna do?" He said. Before anybody else had a chance to speak I took his arm with a strong grip and flipped him over my shoulder, he landed in the middle of the group groaning in pain while the others just stared at me in shock. Paul snapped out of his trance and came towards me looking like he was going to try and grab me. Before he could I kicked him in the back of his legs and forced him to the floor.

"Anyone else got anything else to say?" I ask while the two boys were still lying on the floor groaning in pain. I then saw Alby and Newt heading in our direction, when they got here they realised that I was the one that did it, they looked pretty surprised. I explained what had happened and they took the boys away - they would have a gathering on their punishment later.

"You alright." I asked kneeling down to his level.

"yeah." He said quietly.

Alby said we could take the rest of the afternoon off since what had happened. We were currently sitting down near one of the walls when I noticed Chuck was fiddling with something.

"whatcha' got there?" I asked with curiosity. He pulled out a little figure carved out of wood and handed it to look at.

" I made it for my family." He told me.

"Do you miss them?" I asked.

"Not really." He said as I handed it back to him. "I can't really miss them if I don't remember them."

"Well I promise that you will give it to them one day." I vowed. He looked up at me and we smiled at each other.

"really, we're gonna get out of here?" He asked.

"Of course we are, we're not going to be stuck here forever." I convinced him and he nodded in response. After a while we got up and went to grab dinner. We sat down at our usual table as we all joked around as we ate. Minho and Gally congratulated me on what I'd done to Paul and Blake even though they were quite surprised at first. After a while we all went our different ways to got to bed. I went up to my room and did my usual routine before climbing under the covers and finally fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

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