Chapter Two : The Wishing Hour (Part One)

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Tough times never last, but tough people do.

Robert H. Schuller

Reader P.O.V

Two months and four days later after its first encounter it appeared again. After vanishing into thin air, I hoped for the best and assumed that it was gone for good or at the very least I hoped that it wasn't after me.

But I was wrong. Very wrong.

School had started and it was already beginning to become a problem. Boys, Girls,Drama, Gym, and Drama again. Human beings in general. But none of that was new.

Taking three tests in one day was more then just tiring and as soon as I stepped inside. I had long forgotten the gem that was in my possession only mere days after the beast appeared. The pretty gem had fallen from under its usual spot from under my pillow to behind my bed, and I've long forgotten about its presence.

The dreams I've been having lately have been much more distinct they have been before. A mutated jaw, yellow gleaming eyes were all the move apparent then they're been these few days. I swear to god that piece of shit was out to get me even in my dreams.

I woke up in somewhere between three or four in the morning drenched in sweat from head to toe with an uneasy feeling in my chest. With a bad feeling in my gut.

Only if I knew.

I was slow in waking up and getting out my bed but my mind cleared itself as soon as my feet touched the ground , I was met with a melancholy presence and a humid room. Nothing like how I had fell asleep. I was no longer disoriented from waking up and I ran down stairs in an alarming speed. It went unnoticed by my parents , as always. The thumping in my room went unnoticed as well, even by me.

Th cold stairs were unforgiving to my bare feet, and I cringed at every step. The stuff in my room went unnoticed.


I walked "gracefully" to the fridge and in return the luminescent lights glowed brightly, the bright lights uncaring as my eyes as my eyes burned from the sudden light. Eventually I grabbed a bottle of water from the top back of the top shelf in the fridge. Twisted the cap off, downing almost half the water in a few seconds. I assured myself that was all I needed for the night.

The walk up the stairs was less noisy as it was  going down and the climb felt much more relaxed despite the humidity in the house. I let out a sigh of relief and a dopey smile came across my room, dazed by the lack sleep I just couldn't wait to go to bed. A wave of warmth came over me and the dreams didn't matter much anymore. I was in bliss.

The harmony didn't stay.

As soon as I opened my door I was met with a predatory presence that seem to engulf me. It was alarming and every inch in my body was on edge. But I tensed up at the sight of the catlike eyes that gleamed from under the bed. 

It was back .

I could've screamed and cried, but it was none left after the first encounter. Paralyzed with fear, it gave the foul monstrosity a chance to slid from underneath my bed.

 Hips swaying , curves and all. Her tangerine jumpsuit was embedded with a black diamond in the middle.

If this was under different circumstances I would've said she was pretty hot.

But this wasn't any of those circumstances, she was the predator and I was the prey. 

Before I finally got my strength back she had already grabbed me. Her huge hands were tightly wrapped around my neck and it raised me high off the ground with unspeakable force but I didn't feel a thing.

She smirks, with uncertainty in her eyes her lips move closer to mine and I close my eyes on instinct.

I had never gotten my kiss.

I woke up drenched in sweat from head to toe .

It had all be a dream.

A very vivid dream.

I was disappointed with myself, the monster I was once feared was making out with me in the most erotic way.

My throat was perched despite my constant water intake.

Without realizing my mistake I stepped off my high bed and walked towards my door before I froze and I every so slowly turned around to face my fears. If I only had ignored the constant stares that I felt on my back may I wouldn't have been in this predicament. 

Almost like my dream.

She slid out from under my bed with alarming pride but it was anything but graceful. She flung my bed off her without so much as pulling a muscle. She marched right over to me. Giant beefy palms rested right on my neck, grabbing  it firmly she lifted me several feet into the air, those yellowish eyes gleamed with wrath.

It was then and there I knew this wasn't going to end in a kiss.


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