Chapter Six : Broken Promises & Lessons Learned

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 To Forget A Promise That Had Importance Is Like Saying That The Promise Was Never Important 

~Tionna Holland

The day went fast as it did in the day with Jasper. She greeted you with a smile and you could not in your entirety understand why she was so happy. Greeting you with microwaved blueberry pancakes and a cup of milk that was long since overdue, she waited patiently for you to finish before she took your plate down the stairs. Where? You would never know. 

The night before was nothing but utter chaos and you did not want an repeat. Playing along with Jasper, You walked downstairs to find her speaking to your mother before she saw you. At the sight of you she ran at you jumping into your arms holding you close to her flattened chest. 

"Awww, Look at the two love-birds", Your mother had not been as frightened at the sight of Jasper as you had first been."But mom-" 

"Gotta go sweetheart, See you two when I get back" She had cut you off before you could even complain about the hulking figure that was wrapped around you. Your mother had left you with Jasper, and you were astonished at the fact that she would do such a thing. Turning your head to peer at Jasper you could see her smiling warmly at you before you were engulfed in her messy mane.

" Jasper- I CAN'T BREATHE" She let you go quickly before picking you up and dragging you over to the couch. Placing you gently on the couch, you were praying to the gods that she wouldn't try to grind on you like that one time.

'Sheesh, is it me or has Jasper became more possessive as well as clingy" Although many, like your mother, wouldn't have thought of Jasper being loving and affectionate was wrong, but you knew something was up.

Now that you thought of it, Jasper never got you back for slapping her, it's no big deal but still.

It was time for movie night. Despite Jasper's bipolar personality she enjoyed movies and prime time entertainment shows, her favorite being 'Crying Breakfast Friends'. You didn't understand how in the world, she of all people enjoyed crying fruits.

But that didn't matter, the best classic of them all was coming on and you had to watch it. " Five minutes past six , 'Beauty & The Beast' Would be on any second.

The music started playing and Jasper was already deeply intrigued at the sight of it. The singing and the french words made her half, but when the beast, your favorite came out, she sat ridged, stiff on the couch and once again you couldn't understand Jasper. But she was not fucking up your movie night, you knew that for sure.

The movie kept playing and the happy songs of love and joy came back, but Jasper's smiling face did not. Her grin of pleasure or her smirk of disdain did not make an appearance. By the end you could tell Jasper was holding back sobs, the furniture was fighting whilst the Beast was having an internal battle within himself, self-loathing filled the tangerine gem. The Beast had surrendered to the main-villain -Gaston much like how our big puffy cheeto puff had given up to Lapis. But like every Disney fairy-tale, there's a happy ending in which Belle and the Beast kiss, all the people cheer and praise the newly weds, even yourself.

But not Jasper.

This was a joke, if nothing more and nothing less then, a horrible joke. Jasper didn't like it not one bit. She turned and faced you, huffing in desperation. She was tired of this, she couldn't keep it in any longer. Everyone else had gotten a happy ending even the furniture whom in the end were turned into their true forms. Something Jasper could never do. The villain who more then likely would have been guillotined, had a less painful as well as humiliating death, one far better then Malachite had been. It made her furious as well envious, but this feeling, the feeling in her gut had to be let out. 

" Y/n?"

" Yes Jasper" Prolonging your syllables.

" Why don't you love me?" Her voice was shaky as well as scared and you could feel the anger behind her soft spoken words.

How dare she ask you that, who did she think she was. Some vile monstrosity run wild in your home tearing down the only wall of comfort in your life, safe at home, only to seemingly fall in love with you, what kind of fucked up reality was this. OF COURSE NOT SWEETHEART, OPEN YOUR EYES.

But you didn't say this. You had to be constant, how to endure this hell.

" Why wouldn't I ?" A sickening feeling accumulating in your stomach, it was a foreign ordeal to lie, well not to lie, but lie so blatantly about your love for another when you knew it was all a lie, ironic but true. She smiled a smile full of nothing but teeth and she despite her masculine looked like a skirmish school-girl, stomach full of knots there was no ending this lie now .

" You do?"

" I do my love." Just play along Y/N she had been through so much. To crush the orange gems heart could do things to her that you couldn't ever think of, and you didn't want to.

She kissed you, astonished and disgusted you couldn't believe she had did this for the second time. But this was much different from the last. The last was nothing if not lust and desire but there was something else in this one. It still held all the ingredients from before but there was something more, something you couldn't decipher, something that made you -


Not with Jasper, but with yourself. You pushed her off but she pushes you back down, " Stop" she bathes you in kisses and you can't deny the bile that slowly creeping in your throat. It was too strong, you pushed her off, a pile of vomit on the floor next to you. Jasper looks at you and then the vomit and then you and then the vomit again before bursting into tears leaving the room in haste.

You couldn't speak, all she wanted was your love and you couldn't give her any.

It saddened you to hear her sobs of agony, she knew, she wasn't a dummy. She knew from the very start you were lying . You had learned a valuable lesson, but you wouldn't be able to comprehend it to tomorrow.

Although she knew one thing, you had already, only one day in, had broken your vow to Jasper.

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