Chapter 3: The Wishing Hour (Part Two)

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The Mouth Obeys Poorly When The Heart Murmurs


Jasper P.O.V

My hatred toward humans was because humanity in general not because of the gems lost in the war. A war that was a complete waste of time. I couldn't care less about the other gems.

But the look in this human's eyes were enough to say that she maybe he was scared and at the very least disgusted by my presence. And I couldn't quite understand why.

I had been stuck in that horrendous fusion for far to long only to be blasted up into the air towards the forest behind the city. Thundering and lightening was all I remembered when I had awoken, And It It was there I was suddenly reminded of Peridot's misson to check on the cluster, nauseating dread accumulated in the lower part of my abdomen, and it was fuel that pushed me to run deeper into the forest to get away from the miscreation.

It lead me to a human's den. It been so long since I've seen a human habitat and they have surely developed since then. I remembered my manners at the sight of the doors and I knocked on the door in hopes that I would be let in , well I should,-human hospitality, if I remembered clearly. 

But no humans came to let me in, but I'm not stupid I can clearly hear footsteps inside the humane dormitory.

I wasn't angry, my pride and wrath had been washed away, stuck in that Malachite under the ocean was enough to destroy any unpleasant thoughts one could have. (I was still under the impression that humans were idiotic creatures that had no importance what so ever and that they all should have been destroyed in the first war.)

Eventually at the thought of Earth , I realized I was in the belly of the beast and that, that monstrosity was ready to erupt from the core of the Earth at any given moment. I ran around the perimeter like I've been taught and scouted the area, and I was luckily able to find another opening.

Turning the handle, I wandered around a bit before going up the steps. My feet barely made any noise going up the creaky steps.

I smelled a human somewhere in the house but the scent was faint perhaps the human was not here. I went straight down the hall into a room, this room had the smell of the human all to well. And at first glance it was apparent that the human was not here.

But the screaming from down the hall said otherwise.

I was not going down without a fight this time. 

I had to be more cautious this time.

Opening the door I caught sight I of the human. The first real human that I had encountered in centuries. 

And It was beautiful.

Water rolled down its body and hair clung to its side, plastered to its a face. 

As if it  was sculpted by the gods.

But it clearly didn't see me in such light.

It froze, and I reached out to grab the human before me but before I could, it ran .

Down the stairs and out the house and into the rain it was gone.

But I wasn't giving up just yet, I sped off after it. I charged at the human in hopes to capture it.

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