Chapter Five: Dreams & Nightmares

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    Warning: Curse Words Ahead.(This first part came to my head yesterday and I had to)

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

~George Bernard Shaw

" Let Me Out!" Jasper's constant screaming alone was enough for the neighbor to call the police. Your neighbors were nerdy egotistic bastards and you wish-and you would never wish this on anybody- that they were the ones who got Jasper instead of you. You paced back and forth, many, many things were uncertain in your mind and running from Jasper was not your first priority this time.

The door bell rung. You froze, 'No they did not' ."It's the Police open up the door" Sure enough they did. You ran up the steps tripping over the last step, face-first into the wooden floor. You didn't care about the bruise that was sure enough forming on your face. You had to get Jasper out of there.

The time you had reached the bathroom, Jasper was ready to start screaming again. Mouth wide and her eyes slightly dilated she didn't seem to sense your presence, "Jasper". She didn't hear you. You walked up to her and she froze, sniffing the air slightly. It was then she seemed to notice you.

"What" her speech was slurred and it was a big difference from the previous days. 'What's good with her?'.

" Stop screaming!, the neighbors called the police so get dressed and come down the stairs." You were beyond furious and words couldn't express how mad you mad you were.

"The Police?" She said this perfectly fine although she seemed not to care about the situation at hand.

You turned and glared at her, "The authority" you hissed out. She froze and she started to breathe funny almost if she was going to have an asthma attack.Your head tilted in confusion. Sweat dripped down her face and she started to cough. They knocked again , harder this time and she got up immediately.

" Yes, the Po-Po,"

"There here" She murmured, her hands grasped her head ins shock ." Who's here Jasper".You really wanted to know, you didn't want to get caught in the mayhem involving this thing.

" Yellow Diamonds and her executioners" . You were really tired of her shit. You looked at her giving her the ultimate bitch face. 'What is she on?"

" Well Yellow Diamond doesn't want to see you naked. So get dressed" She looked down before covering herself and giving you a shy look. You backed up "Let me say something before the cops bust through more door." You looked up at her, "You weren't acting like that when you flashed them titties last night, so stop it"

She simply grinned at you, and you rolled you eyes before walking down the steps. Half-way down the stairs, the knocking started again. " Were going to bust down the door in 3-2-1 ". The door layed at your feet completely unhinged.

You could only glare at the pathetic accuse of policemen that were at your door. They seemed like mere children in Halloween costumes, but their badge numbers and guns said more.

" May I help you officer".

" Were were called for " unsual" noices and disruption to the environment" The female one said.

"Well as you can see there is no problems officer- You were stopped by Jasper and in all her glory, naked, body gleaming in the morning light, Standing on top of the stairs

" Y/n". You didn't turn at her."Pssst Y/n."You clenched your fist in ire "Y/n!!!"

"WHAT?" You finally turned back around and she merely looked at you. "What do you want- AND WHERE ARE YOU CLOTHES?" she didn't answer at first and walked down the rest of the stairs. You swore you heard a officer gulp and you glared at him and he just put his hands up apologetically.

Antidote- Steven Universe Jasper X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now