Chapter Four : The Good, The Bad, The Dirty

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We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after first attack.

~Mari von Ebner-Eschenbach

Four restless nights. Four tiresome days, and four dangerous hours left until the clock ticks ten. You had yet to leave your room, feeling as if every shadow or sudden movement would be your end. Your dog on the other hand was bit more risky and darted out of your room at any sudden noise. You were proud of your once-cowardly dog and it swelled your heart with pride and happiness at your small dog running about so furiously and fierce, despite everything that had happened this past few months.

But it has been days since you last heard her bark.

You had stayed up to confront your mother and you told her of your worries and she just ignored you and claimed that you were being over-dramatic and paranoid. But after seeing the frantic look in your eyes and the tears that flowed freely down your face was enough to take you seriously. And despite her sleepiness from work she got down and helped you search for the missing dog.

" Y/n don't worry, She's around here somewhere-

"How do you know mom , its been days. She could be lost or even worst DEAD." Your mother's constant sarcasm was enough to provoke dangerous emotions out of you and felt like slapping the woman for mocking you and your skittish moments, which were likely signs that you'll have an anxiety attack. 

Mother Knows Best

" Y/n I seen your little baby barking at the basement doors before I went to work on Wednesday, She's probably wandering down there eating up all the extra dog food and bothering the cat. No need to go into a frenzy".

The unnecessary opinions on your behavior was enough to drive you nuts but that didn't matter.

'What is she doing in the basement. She hates the basement.' Your mother's moving hand in front of your face knocked you out of your thoughts . You had suddenly had the urge to run down to the basement, but hand on your arm stopped you and you turned in disbelief to look at your mother's  tired face.

"Go to bed Y/N, look at you. You look like you don't have enough energy to make it to the bed. You know what, Don't go to school tomorrow. Me and you will look together for the mutt. How does that sound?" She said it in a way that it was presented as a joke but you took it seriously.

"Sounds nice," You attitude was off the chain, but 'Come on mom, you payed one grand for her, You know that she's not a mutt'.

Knowing that your dog was somewhere around you and more than likely safe, you slept 'wonderfully' that night. As soon you hit the pillows you were knocked out.


Familiar low barking filled your dreams and you were awaken faster then lightening, eyes wide and blank, you rose out your bed like a mummy out of a coffin. Your head was filled with back-to-back horrid scenes of what was to come. 

The first being that thing.

It was 4:00 O'Clock in the morning. Your mom had left at three for work, you understood her point of view but you still wasn't going to school, Your dog was your life, and she brung you warmth with every single glimpse of her.

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