Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV

It had been a month and Harry actually did find out I cut. Well, he did 3 days ago. I am now under surveillance. I am on tour, and surprisingly I have straight As, how I don't know. I'm not really allowed to leave the bus, or even take a step outside. If I do, I have to play as Niall's girlfriend. Which is quite easy actually. All I have to do, is listen to him, and go along with whatever. But the more and more our fake relationship goes on, I beginning to think....

"Lauren, did you talk to your teacher about you're report today, like I asked you too?" Harry asked coming onto the bus.

They had just gotten done with a concert. I had been on this bus all day long. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't, the fans were too loud. I tried to do my report, but I couldn't concentrate. I tried to hear my teacher, but they were way too loud, and the bus is a block away from the actual stadium.

"No, I couldn't hear here. I tried to work on it, but I couldn't concentrate. So I k-mailed her." I answered truthfully.

He sighed, before continuing. "Why don't you work on it now, and I'll help." 

"Louis said I shouldn't ask anyone for help because I'm a straight A student, I shouldn't need help." I looked up at him, placing my pencil down on all the notes I took so far to help with the report.

"Are you serious? He told you not to ask anyone for help because your a straight A student?" He looked pissed a little.

"Yeah." I remained seated.

"Lauren, I was an A and B student, and even I needed help." He sat down sighing.

"Wait, you, a bully, was an A and B student? Is that why you didn't help me when the teacher told you, because you didn't want anyone to find out you're grades?" I asked.

"As silly and childish as that sounds, yes. I never wanted anyone to find out I was kind of a nerd. If someone found out my reputation would've went down hill, do you know what that would do to a person like me?" He asked.

"Harry you shouldn't be ashamed of how smart you are. I was a nerd until you started to bully me. My grades dropped. You left, and they went back to their original spot at an A+. You shouldn't be ashamed to be a nerd. Who cares?" I could understand a little where he was coming from.

"Um, I did. And I still kind of would if I was still in school." He tried to argue.

"Harry no stop, be who you are, and don't let anyone, or anything try to change that. You are who you are." I paused before continuing.

"I should have just been myself, and not try to reach perfection when you did bully me. I wanted to be a lot of things. Change my life. I wanted to atleast not be bullied anymore. It didn't work out. No matter how hard I tried, you would always rip me back down, from my happy spot."

"Lauren..." I cut him off.

"I wanted to be all the things you said I couldn't be. I made the cheer team. I made friends. I joined the track team, to lose all the weight. I tried to be a person I wasn't just to get recognised by you, just to stop the bullying. Look where it got me. Nowhere." 

"Really? You actually thought that?" Louis spoke up, hm, wonder how long he's been standing there.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"But it never stopped there. I always did try to listen to the both of you and tried to end my life more then once. I cut, and I stopped. I was clean for 2 years. It started back up again a month ago, Harry I know I promised to stop when you found out. But it just took away all the pain. I made sure no one found out the first time I did it. All the names you called me, I carved into my arm. I was happy when you left. I brought my life back around, only to get my happiness taken from me." I started to sniffle.

"We didn't know." 

"I always used the hear the beat of my heart racing whenever you both cornered me, everyday. I would always think that you would have ended it. But you stopped, when you though you had enough. Not me." A few stray tears rolled down.

"Oh how I would wish, that I did hit a vein. I wished that one day, you would both lose it, and just beat the shit out of me that I did die. I wanted to die from first grade to the day you left. But you were never satisfied. Got the whole school to start bullying me. I had no one. I was a loner." I mumbled.

"Are you resiting the words or lyrics to 'I wish'? Niall asked.

"No." And with that I got up.

"Oh no you don't." Zayn said, pulling me back at the table.

"And the worst part is, there's no one else to blame. I did it. I was caught with the blade in the girl's bathroom, by Riley. I remember that day so well. I started to get teased. That's when Harry told me to just hit a vein already. No one would care. And no one ever did care. I did lose it. I lost the one thing that belonged to me truly."

"Your virginity, in the summer of 2009, at my party. Three days after school let out." Harry whispered. "I took it, because I was pissed." 

"In that same week, Louis sprained my ankle, and I broke my wrist. Leaving Harry with my virginity. I did get pregnant too, but I had a miscarriage 4 months into my pregnancy."

They knew almost everything but the me getting pregnant part.

"Wait. I got you pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes, and you and Louis both killed it. All because you had Marcus and Dylan hold me back, while you let Alyssa, kick and punch me in the stomach so many times." By now I was crying.

"I killed my child." Harry kept repeating.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Louis asked, ignoring Harry.

"Why? So I can be called a whore? Slut? and be known in the school as 'The girl who got pregnant?'" I said looking at him.


"I KILLED MY CHILD. I KILLED MY BABY." Harry yelled punching a hole in the wall of the tour bus.

Oh yes, this is going to go over real well with Simon, Management, Paul, and whoever else.


Haha I got you! I never said anything about Harry taking it in summer of 09, nor did I say she got pregnant, and had a miscarriage. Hopefully, you still love me.

Sorry it's short and it took forever. Oh and does anyone wanna make me a trailer for this? PM me for details.

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