Chapter 11

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Lauren's Ghost.

I smiled in victory as I heard them coming. I had the red lip-stick I took from Lou's make-up bag, and wrote 'Lauren was here'. What? I did say I was going to get them back. I did say I was going haunt them. I won't rest until I'm in peace. I dropped the lipstick in the sink, and stood off to the side as Harry walked into the bathroom. I watched as he did his business, and wash his hands. He looked up at the mirror and froze.

"BOYS!" He called.

I smirked as I watched them pile into the bathroom, frozen in shock. My job here for now is done. If they think this bad, just wait until they see the bunking area. I know, I know, Lauren what did you do? Well I can't exactly say, but when they go to bed, I'll tell you. Which is now because Zayn still likes his naps I see.

Okay, the day I died, it was a mess. They cleaned it after my body was taking from the bus. They had a new bed, curtain's, and pillows. Harry threw out most of my clothes. But a few of them. It took me forever to finally find them, in his suitcase, but still, it was quite hard if you ask me. So as I said, about getting back at them. It was quite simple really. Harry slept with my pillow and blanket after I died, so for him it was normal.

Me being me, I put at least one or two things of mine in each bunk. But Niall's and Louis'. I took my blanket from Harry's bunk, and put it in Niall's and moved my Pillow to Louis'. it was stupid really, but I wanted them to be freaked out, and that's exactly how all of this is going to go down. I don't care anymore. I will literally scare the shit out of them and bring them down. I want them to suffer in pain. I want them to feel and be everything I ever felt.

"Um, I think there's someone on the bus." Zayn stuttered.

"Why do I have Lauren's blanket in my bed?" Niall asked.

"I don't know, but her pillow is amazing." Louis smiled, cuddling it. What the actual fuck is wrong with this boy? Nothing I have done ever seemed to amaze him.

"Lauren isn't in peace, is she?" Liam whimpered.

I frowned. I didn't want to scare him that- okay, no, I did. I wanted to scare them all and not give a damn because I was already dead, so I don't have anything to regret. But Liam just turned this whole thing on me, didn't he? Either way, no matter how many times they tried to turn it around, or try to make me rest easy, I wasn't going to do it. I don't care if I get sent to the Devil himself. These bastards will pay for anything and everything they did. Regardless if they wanted to be apart of it or not.

I was going to make Harry and Louis both suffer in  pain for all those years of bullying. Of course I was going to get back at the entire school first, but one, they kidnapped me, and two killed my mum. I think the school can wait until they learn their lesson, agree? Well I really don't care if you agree or not, this was my thing. You're just going to argue with me either way about how this isn't right. Too bad, I know people who would kill to be in my spot right now. Besides Lottie, she doesn't really count. It's his sister. She's helping me.

She is going to be the one to put me to rest. Not the boys. Come on, I see the way they act. Although the twit-cam was rather sweet, I suppose. I could just stop half way threw their punishment for all the good things they did. But then they'll wonder why it mostly likely stopped. And I can't just leave them hanging, can I? I mean I could, but I don't think I want to.

You know how a good author leaves you at a really bad cliff hanger. I think that's too mean. I should just give them their punishment weather they want it or not. I never wanted anything they did to me. No punishments, sex. losing my kid. Nothing. I wasn't just going to let them slip. It wasn't like me. Or it was, just now it's not.

I don't know, I do, however, know, that their going to pay. All of them. Paul, Simon. But just not their sisters. I wouldn't want to cause harm to them. I mean, they helped me when no one else did. It was the least I could do. Besides scaring the shit out of the boys I mean. It was only going to take about a month until they hopefully crash and burn. It was be a sight to see really. And I was going to enjoy every second of it. I don't care what anyone says. It was going to be the day I was put to rest. Left the world happy, knowing I broke them. Just like they broke me the beginning of Second grade.

Only difference was, they had hell to pay. I didn't. But I guess you could say Revenge was sweet, maybe? Nah, it just sounds to cliché, besides, it didn't matter what you called it. They were going to get it, no matter what way you or them look at it. I was going to bring down One Direction if anyone liked it or not. They were going to crash and burn, just like I did. That would be the day that I smile. After all I was the queen of keeping things a secret, this was just a side bar thing.

I don't have to let them know it was all me. Or the fact that it is all still me. They'll know when the time comes. But for now, they'll just have to live with it. It was up in the cold thin air were I was finally able to breath. I know I left a life, and somewhat family behind, but I was to relieved to think. Kind of how like if you have a major test to study for, so you do and finally it all pays off at the end? I guess you could say it was similar to this. Or you could just say it was pure evil. I don't care. Either way you're wrong, I'm the dead person her, so I am right and you are wrong. Therefore your argument is invalid.

It was like turning your back and slamming a door to move on, and this is what it was. No one will find me. I was happy, in the life I chosen. I was standing frozen. My past was behind me. I was creating a past for them. It was a flash back kind of. Only difference was, that I was there, and now I'm not. I some how seem to think that, that's how only some people learn. If they learn anything that is.

All I had to do was prove to them that they weren't sorry. I had to let it go eventually, but before I do, why not toy with it first? Why can't I have my fun, like they did. Oh right, I am right now :)

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