Chapter 12

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I stood there shaking. Louis and Harry stood in my bedroom. They were suppose to be on tour, not here in my bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" I stuttered.

"We want the tape, and you are not going to say anything." Louis smirked as they both walked closer. I backed up into the wall. No, I backed up into a chest. I spun around and saw Niall who held a smug smirk plastered on his face.

"Now, now, Lottie, behave." I looked past them and saw Lauren's ghost standing in the door way with the tape. I squirmed against Niall.

"You do anything to me, and this will be over the media before you know it!" I hissed.

"You see little sister, there is no Media. We gave them a qauter of a million to keep quite and stay away from us." Louis smirked.

Harry walked up and slapped me. "I've wanted to do that my entire life!" He grinned.

The force of the smack cause my head to move to the side. I saw Liam going threw my stuff in my dresser until he stopped at a small shiny thing. He pulled it out and practically started to cry.

"What now Liam?" Louis asked.

"Why Lottie?"

"Liam it's not what you think," I tried.

"Lottie has a secret job. I only know about it because I caught her." Zayn spoke up.

They were all ignored as Harry turned back to me. I was scared of Harry. When he was mad it was scary. The fans are even afraid of him when he's angry. I think everyone's afraid of him when he's angry.

"Where's the tape, Lottie?"



"Where the hell is my tape, Lottie?"


I screamed and jumped. I hit my head off of the person above me. "Ow." I winced holding my forehead. I looked up and saw my mum.

"Well you hurt me too for gods sake!" She rubbed her forehead.

"Sorry, why are you in my room?" I asked.

"It's time to get up, you're alarm went off ten minutes ago!"

I looked over at the clock, and saw it was 6:15 a.m. I groaned and got out of bed. To be honest, I hated school. It was so horrible, and the teachers kept piling us up on homework, that I never got to finish it, and got a month full of detentions. Just because I had forgot to finish it. But I had to stay after school for two hours every week until my month was up.

"There's breakfast downstairs for you, and hurry up or you'll be late!" She stated and walked out.

I yawned and flopped back down on the bed for a total of five seconds before my alarm went off again. I mentally groaned and got out of bed. I dressed in my uniform and made my way downstairs, skipping my shower, because I knew I had gym twice today. It was the second I got to school, then I would take a shower to get rid of the stink, and finish my day at school.


I sat on Louis' bed with a smug grin on my face as the two woke up. I had somehow managed to get Louis in Harry's bunk. It wasn't that hard, but it wasn't that easy. I was worried that if I dropped him, he would wake up. Then again, I wasn't worried. Maybe I would cause him pain in his head all those times he pulled my hair. Of course they weren't aware of me haunting them, but they would sooner or later.

"Awe! Larry Stylinson get your bums out of bed, we have an interview in an hour." Paul said, then turned around and left the bunks once again.

"But we didn't sleep together!" Harry complained.

No, you were right, Harry, you didn't sleep together, I moved you so it looked like you were sleeping together. Maybe you should have thought about that, just like all those times you told the entire school I was sleeping around, that I was a whore, a slut, a bitch. I guess the world would love to see this. I mean, I could ruin management for all those girls who want to kill them with a passion. I could make Harry and Louis drop at the fact that everyone thinks their gay. I mean, half of their fandom does, so. Besides if I go so little at a time, I can have them all crushed before they know it. It was the perfect plan. But someone always doesn't have to get involved, do they?

Take a look a Scooby-doo for instants, those meddling kids always ruining the bad guys plan. Which, I would've too, but at times like this, I wish they would just stay out. But their not going to find anything, after all, I am dead. We don't always have to be nice, we don't always have to do a lot of things when we're dead. Hell we can put ourselves to rest, or we can chose Satan, and go cause the rest of their lives a living hell until we are put to rest. I chose to do it, dead or alive. I will cause them the amount of pain they caused me.

Then I'm going to go to that wretched school, and do the exact same damn thing. I can't stand them anymore. I can't stand the principals, the teachers. the students. No matter the grade. I will follow them until they realize they did wrong and say the words I've always wanted to hear from everyone for a long time.

'I'm sorry, Lauren.'

Oh but my rein of terror doesn't stop there, no. I will go cause my dad emotional pain for leaving my mom. I was going to give my little brother the best time for his life. Give him everything that couldn't happen when he was away from him. I wanted him to actually have a happy life, regardless of what happens. I want to actually try to protect him from everything that seems to happen. I guess you could say, I was being all motherly towards my little brother. I guess it was true sort of, but you will always be bullied. No matter what happens.

But I was bullied by 2/5ths of One Direction.

"You're not sorry!" -Bullied by 2/5ths of 1D-Where stories live. Discover now