Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

"Maybe I have to pee asshole!" I mumbled under my breath, but I'm pretty sure he still heard it.

"Lauren just shut up!" Harry said for the first time in about 45 minutes.

"BUT I HAVE TO PEE!" How the hell can he miss what I said almost 10 times now?

"Well you don't get to pee. You wanna call me an asshole, you're gonna go over the school rules." I just groaned there's about 20 of them!

"Now. I wanna see if she actually followed them when we left." Ha, no.

I know and remember some of them, but not a lot. None of them really tried to make me follow them after they left. To be honest, I was scared of them again, and I promised myself I would over come that and not have any fear towards them. Which is failing big time.

"THERE!" Harry screamed yelling.

"Damn," I jumped from his loudness.

"She's signed up for a home schooling." Harry sighed in relief. "Okay Louis you can let her go pee now." He said standing

After Louis let me go, I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door locking it.

Harry's POV

"So um, when do we get the supplies we need?" Liam asked

"They should be here within a week." I said sitting down putting all her info back into he folder and smiling at my work.

"Agora Cyber School, also known a K12 off the telly." I said looking at Liam.

"Oh, so um when do you plan on telling her?" He asked

"Tell me what?" Damn girls pee fast.

Um, nothing." I quickly covered up.

"Yeah, sure."

Now, why would I wanna tell her that she can have her phone back? Why would I wanna tell her that she gets it back when school does start? Why would I wanna tell her that she has to go on tour with us? Just so I can hear the screaming? Um, no think again.

"Um, Lauren you're in Agora." Louis said care fully.

"Really? That's nice." Then she face me. "Did you even grab my pills?" What pills?

"Pills? WHAT FUCKING PILLS?" There's Liam, all Daddy Direction.

"My birth control, and my ADHD pills." Shes on birth control?

"Since when do you take Birth Control? And you have ADHD? What's that?" Louis asked.

"Um, since I was 15, and yes, ADHD is something boys have. It means you have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Okay then. Well you learn something new every day.

"Why didn't you tell any one?" I asked.

"Um, I don't need everyone knowing my business." Ok well, that''s true.

Lauren's POV

Did they seriously need to know all of this? Harry didn't see any of this on my paper work? Wow. Two words. Dumb Ass. And Louis! How the hell didn't he know what ADHD was? Half of his friends had it! Most girls don't have it. Boys normally get it. But I got it. Let me tell you it sucks. I got it in First Grade. A year. Exactly a year before they started to bully me.

"When did you get it?" Louis asked barley above a whisper but I still hear him.

"March 15th 2002. Exactly one year before you started to bully me." I replied

"We started in second grade. Had it really been 9 years already?" They use to celebrate the Anniversary the day they promised to bully me everyday of the week. Yes, crazy as it sounds, they celebrated it. And boy, you didn't have to tell them twice, or remind them. They literally programmed it into their cell phones.

"So when exactly do I get my laptop and when do I start school? When does tour start?" Okay, I guess you could say I was eaves dropping only a little though.

"Liam what are you watching?" I heard Zayn say.

"Um, Teen Wolf is almost on, but I'm watching Awk-ward why?" OMFG TYLER POSEY!!

"Three weeks before school starts. September 6th and October 5th. Eaves dropper." He said now knowing that I eaves dropped,

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP TYLER POSEY IS ABOUT TO COME ON. THE AMAZING SEX GOD!" I got up running to the living room, pulling Liam off it, taking it up with my entire body, as Awk-ward ended.

Okay I guess you could say I was obsessed with Teen Wolf, or Tyler Posey, also known as Scott McCall. ;) But hey name one girl that isn't?

"Is she okay?" Liam asked

"That's all she would talk about with everyone who did talk to her. Was fucking Tyler Posey." Harry said pissed off.

"I find it funny." Louis smirked.

"SHUT UP IT'S ALMOST ON!" I screamed

Harry's POV

Withing 5 minutes into the show she was screaming.

"Oh my god TYLER FUCKING POSEY IS SO FUCKING HOT!" She screamed actually behaving some.

Maybe if I let her watch this damn shit, she'll listen to us. It's worth a shot. I mean that's all she talks about is how hot Scott is. It's a little annoying but if she starts to listen without her meds until we get them, then I can put up with it. I can try anyway. Maybe. Or if she shuts the hell up and behave I'll let her met him.

"Oh My God STILES STLINSKI! Really? A damn condom IN CLASS??" Oh m god. Help my now.

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