Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV

I have just been raped. I hurt every where. Everything hurts. I don't know what hurts more, my vigina, or the bruises all up and down my thighs. Let's just leave it at this, I never wanna have sex ever again! Now you might wonder what about having kids? I'll fucking adopt a kid.

"Get the fuck up now!" Harry yelled walking into the room

I complied to his orders and got up. I swear I was gonna fall, because of how sore I was, and with all the bruises. But with my luck I didn't.

"I didn't say to fall did I?" By the sound of his voice, it sounded as if he was pissed. Oh what joy!

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Well then why did you?" Is he seriously gonna ask this damn question?

"Oh, I don't know the fact that I was just raped maybe?" I said sarcastically

"You wanna keep talking like that and I'm gonna be next, and it won't be as pretty as this time either. Plus, Louis went easy on you, I won't." He glared

Damn, and Louis didn't go easy, there's a difference between you're size and his. Get it right Styles. Maybe I'll start to listen when you let me go back home! God, i hate it here, and I hate you!

I wanted to scream that at him, but it'd be best if I didn't.

"Maybe it is time to go over the rules again babe," He began. "But this time, you also have to follow school rules." He smirked

"Ha, news flash. I'm not in school!" I seriously am going to get it.

 "You wanna bet? I will home school you, right here and now." I know he's serious. Well, I could have some fun with this.

"Actually, I do. They'll want records of my medical information, plus my birth certificate, and my social security card. And guess what you don't have? Any of that!" Is he this dumb?

"You wanna keep going?" He asked

"I do. They'll want names of any medication I'm taking, if I have any symptoms. If I'm allergic to anything at all." I trailed off.

I didn't even realize that he left the room, and came back seconds later with a minella folder.

"What's that?" I asked

He started to pull out paper work, as I took the folder, and realized that it had my name on it.

"Lauren May Cimorelli, you are here by under house arrest, by me!" Harry said dragging me off with the folder and paper work in hand.

"Sit." Zayn said pointing to a chair as soon as we entered the kitchen.

I did as told, and had no other way around it, plus he kinda scared me, but I'm not gonna give him, nor show him that satisfaction.

"See I have all of the paper work, plus more, that I need to sign you up for homeschooling." Harry smirked

"No, my mum wouldn't have given it to you that easily." I didn't and I'm not gonna believe him.

"Who said she gave it to me? Let me ask you something babe. Who wasn't there when you were kidnapped?" Is he trying to point something out?

I sat there thinking about it for a good 5 minutes, before I realised who wasn't there. Liam was driving. Louis was in the back with the duck tape, Niall had the rope, and Zayn was about to drug me. That's it. Harry wasn't there.

"You." I mumbled

"Very good." He smirked

"But how, my mum was home, she wouldn't have gave it to you." How'd he get it?

"Who said she didn't corporate?" He asked

"What did you do to my mum?" Ok, now, I'm scared

"Let's just say you're Mum gave it to me without hesitation." He said smirking as he turned on the news

There on the cold hard ground, layed my mum, dead, on the screen. He killed her. Harold Edward Styles killed my mum.

"How'd you get away with it?" I asked tears threatening to spill.

"Look closer to your Mum by her left foot." Zayn said as Harry left.

"This is what I used." He came back holding a knife with dry blood on it.

"Then what about the knife by her foot." I wanted to know even f it meant I would cry.

"I wiped her blood on it using a towel which is right here." He pulled out the towel

Wow, I never thought he'd kill someone. I mean, like I know he wanted me dead, because he told me to kill myself almost every day of the week, but I never though he'd actually kill someone.

"Damn Haz you're good." Zayn smirked

From now on, I will officially think of Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam as evil. And that's all they'll ever be to me.

"See, I do have all the stuff to sign you up for homeschooling." He said smirking as he brought out his laptop, and searched for an on line homeschooling website.

Is this really gonna be my life from now on?

Niall's POV

I knew about Harry killing her mum, and to be honest, I didn't think it was a good idea. Why couldn't he just look it up on line? Or ask her.

No we have to go and kill her mum. What an arse. He does realize that she's gonna hate him forever right? I think so anyway.

Liam's POV

I didn't want to do any of this to be honest. I don't even know Lauren but I guess I'm gonna find out all about here.

But for some reason she hates everyone but Niall. So that's going to be fun. What joy.

"Harry you aren't seriously going to home school her are you?" I asked

"Yes I actually am. She doesn't want to listen, she's gonna get the rules she used to follow. So she'll listen then." He went back to what he was doing

"HARRY! I HAVE TO PEE!"  I've only heard that about 10 times now

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Louis slapped her

Is this how it's gonna be from now on?

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