Chapter III- Kidnapped

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This time I was so mad already that I couldn’t hold it in. I stood up and got my bag, “I’m sorry but I’m leaving whether you like it or not” I said in a mad and informal tune.

I ran to the gym, I was happy but worried at the same time. Finally I can keep my promise. Arriving on the gym, no one was there, not even a single person.

I leaned on the stage, feels like I want to cry and scream. But why, why is this a big thing to you Lucy? It’s just an audition, I’m sure they’ll understand. I disrespected my teacher and left to see them dance, but what I caught was an empty gym...

I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

I headed home, lonely and everything. I know how he has been wanting to join the dance troupe, I’m sorry I wasn’t been able to cheer you up.

Why am I so affected anyway? Is this what I’m feeling for him is getting serious already? It can’t be. We’re friends, just friends nothing beyond.

The next day, I saw Gray and Natsu on the canteen, I run to them and gave them a friendly hug, making my hug tighter to annoy them just like what they do to me at times. The two pushed my hand away and asked me to leave. I don’t know, but I feel so down..

I headed to Jellal and Zeref with teary eyes, the two were so mad so eager to know who made cry. Zeref hugged me and tried to tickle me, trying to make me laugh but I cried more...

“Why? Who caused this? Tell me.”  Jellal asked as his fist getting harder and stronger. Zeref wiped my tears and pinched me.

“Don’t cry, no tears from you. Not on my watch” Zeref whispered.

I’m sure loved by these punks! Zeref placed his hands on my eyes trying to blind fold me with his palms. We headed to somewhere, I couldn’t see anything, and my eyes hurt eager to see what’s coming.

He slowly released his hands from my eyes and look what I found. A picnic on the ground, I looked to my right and saw Natsu and Gray...

I looked down and then Natsu sat moved beside me and pinched my cheek...

Why is he touching me? Are we friends? Didn’t he just push me away earlier? Zeref opened up again asking about who made me cry earlier, I smiled and shook my head. “No one” I answered trying to hide my smile again.

“What? Did someone made you cry?” Natsu asked so madly.

Look who’s asking, the man who didn’t even recognize he hurt me.

The picnic went right and everything, everything and everyone got back together..

Gray and Natsu about the canteen scene, they were just teasing me, and me who got caught too..

Talking more Levy, arrives and tells me that Natsu didn’t join in the audition... Why? I asked. He said he changed his mind. Did he really change his mind?

I heard there are call backs today, I stood up and the carpet and pulled Natsu, I brought him to the gym and asked him dance for me. He got his number and finally, he danced, though results weren’t posted yet I could see right thru his eyes that he’s so happy.

Everything ended smoothly, as I am about to sleep, I was thinking why he didn’t join the auditions? Am I that important to him? Hey! Lucy, what’s with the important word?  You are not important. Stop it! No, honestly I feel like I’m so comfortable with him already, I can talk to him casually and I am already normal around him. This is funny.

The next day, Zeref asked asked me if I could accompany him to the choir auditions. I called Loke, Jellal, Natsu and Gray together with Levy to watch Zeref’s audition too...

The audition went smooth too, results will be posted next week and so the dance troupe auditions results too...

Loke also applying for the basketball varsity team, and Jellal with the Frisbee team too.. Everyone seems busy this week I also accompanied Levy for her painting audition. Looks like I’m the only who didn’t join anything but anyway it’s okay, I’m happy for my friends already.

Wait, so it’s really me left alone. They’re all out for the club meeting that they are joining...

I heard the training will be this week and the final accepted applicants will be posted next week; the acceptance will be based with their performance this week so I’m sure they will be working really hard. I walked around checking for them, first I got to the field to check on Jellal’s Frisbee thing, then I go to the music room for Zeref’s singing lessons, then next to the art room for Levy’s painting lessons, then next to the gym for Loke’s varsity training then to the dancing room for Gray and Natsu’s dance evaluation. Pretty tough uh

I seem to be a loner this week, always waiting for them in the canteen because their schedules were as tight as a grope. Totally just 15 minute break, they almost don’t even see each other.

It’s a good thing that I didn’t join anything that way I will see them every day.

It’s morning again, it’s the 5th of July it’s almost my birthday. I woke up and Mom asking me to prepare for my school attire, she was so busy packing her clothes, I asked her where she was going and she’s going on a trip, a business trip again. She’s still coming back on the 8th and my birthday is on the 7th... That means, she’s not going to be around on my birthday again. Why is mom so busy? Couldn’t she even remember my birthday? Or she remembers but just doesn’t mind? I stayed at home for the whole day; my birthday is on Monday, nothing special at home so maybe I could just eat with my friends then. I’m sure it’ll be fun with them. When Mom was about to leave, I waited for her to maybe greet me in advance, but she just handed me money and left already, not even asking me to take care of myself or be safe Lucy or just simply saying good bye Lucy.. She sure doesn’t care.

Days passed and it’s my birthday, I woke up really early.

I headed to the school and everyone was happy and everything.

I decided to keep it to them that it’s my birthday today, just not to make fuss and everything. Just a simple time with them I’ll be happy...

We decided to see each other after our last class for the day; I couldn’t wait to buy them something delicious. Its 7:30 pm already, as our last class ended Levy hurriedly ran away telling me that she can’t go with me because her cousin is waiting for her in the boarding house scared because a suspicious person was been looking at the place. What? A suspicious person, then she must hurry home then, better call the police for help.

I wanted to ask more but she went away so fast, I tried calling her but her phone is unable to be reached. What happened? I headed to the field where we are supposed to be meeting each other but I didn’t find them there.

I got disappointed thinking I won’t be able to treat them, it’s sad that my birthday surprise for them didn’t succeed.

I decided to go home, I think I’m the only person left in the school and I’m so hungry, maybe I’ll just buy something special on my way home and celebrate my birthday alone.

Waiting for a cab on the waiting shed, I got an emergency text from Levy, asking for my help. I didn’t know what to do; I ran to her boarding house myself and screamed for help while running. When I arrived there, the place was silent and dark.

It was my first time in her dorm and still unaware of the place, I was panicking finding her but the front door was closed. I don’t really know what to do; I kept on jumping and hopping in nervousness.

Suddenly a hand covers my mouth, whispering me to be silent and follow him; he dragged me to a very dark place, all I felt was nothing, I could see no one, I was nervous and all I could here were my fast heart beats racing in curiosity and fright.

I was dragged along without seeing anything, and then suddenly the man covered my eyes with a handkerchief. My mouth stuck with a masking tape and my hands tied together.

Then, the man carried me like a newly wedded couple, I wanted to kick and kick but I couldn’t move in fright. I know typically people starts crying in this kind of situation but I felt nothing, I suddenly felt of being strong and find a way to get out without my family worrying.

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