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It was a whole different world he was about to enter—not here or there, now or then but, potentially, all places and times. 

His Sage had warned him that first-timers, especially young ones, should take it one step at a time. 

That wasn't his way. 

His Sage had counselled moderation. 

He was going to take the trip from front to back—straight through; no time out.

He'd taken many trips in his short life, traveled many roads, but either without a map or with only borrowed directions. He was waking up to the idea that he needed what the PlanIt Society offered—guided creations of possible realities—education in getting from Here to There.

He knew that most people entered PlanIt and selected a particular departure point, traveling one Pattern in depth; then, used that experience to solve some specific problem or meet a single challenge. 

He wanted to start at One and take all sixty-four Patterns in a single, extended session. 

His Sage advised him to get himself in shape for the journey—take a month to eat better, sleep regularly, study the PlanIt Verses and Patterns morning and night, and learn to imagine in a new way.

This all seemed a bit strange—most people never had to go through such a program to benefit from PlanIt—but he couldn't afford to waste his life anymore. 

He felt downright impatient but knew no other way to set things straight. He also didn't want to have to start over from scratch, all over, again, unless he could know that he was navigating with some sense of certainty. 

The PlanIt Society was known for its success in helping people improve their lives. He needed help.

He ate better food, slept a little better, got to know the Verses and Patterns, learned the imagination techniques, and arrived at the day when his Sage led him to one of the Gardens of Enchantment—special environments that aided a person in their quest for internal transformation and success. 

He laid down on the comfortable divan and listened to his Sage give him his final instructions:

"You have chosen to take the full journey. Realize your position. All that will happen is guided by the PlanIt Patterns and aided by your acquaintance with the PlanIt Verses but depends, ultimately, on your own deepest mind and heart. 

"We are here to help.

"You are the creator.

"Some events will seem very obvious and quite easy to live through. Some will be mysterious. Some will challenge you to the core.

"Be positive. Be grateful. Be aware!"

As he closed his eyes and induced the internal state necessary for his journey, he could only hope that this experience would lead to, not heaven, but, at least, something just above the hell he'd been in.

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