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It felt like days or even years had passed when I finally woke up,only to be surrounded by eleven curious heads staring at me from every possible direction. I twisted and turned in my bed and...wait.


Where was I? My bed never felt this cozy! And how in the world would so many people fit in my scruffy room of a house?

First of all, who were these people?

I greeted them with a glass-shattering scream.They all jumped back in horror. "Kyungsoo-ah! Calm down please" A taller male with brown-grey hair and a sunshine-y smile chorused.

Wait. How do they know my name?

I stared at them blankly. The tall giant muttered along. "Kyungie,we will take good care of you" He leaned in to stroke my squishy (that's what he said) cheeks,only to be slapped away by a droopy eyed brunette who seemed to be the giant's boyfriend. "Chanyeollie! calm your face! Don't scare the poor boy!"

He sounded like a grandma.

he went on scolding the giant dude named chanyeol giving me enough time to examine every face in the room, Well, one exceptionally longer.

There he was.

Standing in the very corner of the room,wearing a plain white dress shirt which co-ordinated with his tight black skinny jeans a little too well, was an angelic looking boy with pouty lips & honey blonde curls falling all over his face in no specific order,but it looked more gorgeous than any hairstyle created on earth or even outer space.There was indeed a boisterous smirk plastered on his face,while he gave me a reassuring look with his caramel eyes.

I was on cloud nine.

Thousand butterflies fluttered away in my stomach when he edged closer and smoothened my fringe with his soft hand. "It's okay soo.don't be afraid.This is what happened..~" I listened to him like my whole life depended on the mere words he said.I sat straight on the now-crumpled bedsheets of mine,and he sat down next to me. I let out a tiny gasp when he stretched out his arm to caress my tiny chin,sending electric sparks whizzing through my body like firecrackers set alight. He put an arm over my shoulder & started talking in his chocolate-melting voice.

' Yah,soo.We were walking in the hallway to find our geography class & we saw you running away from our chenchen.'

Wait, chen? Was chen here?

I scanned the room to find a very worried looking chen standing near the door.He was muttering something under his breath which was inaudible to even the person standing next to him,comforting the worry-stricken boy, a tall ravenette with dark rings under his eyes & white blonde hair.

"And then all of a sudden you tried to stop,but your inclination was too much, & you started hurtling towards our direction.We rushed forward and caught you,but when I was holding you,you seemed to pass out. I think you hit your head because your forehead is wounded"

My hand shot up to touch my forehead,finding a well-placed dressing where the wound should be.The angel boy held my hand and slowly lowered it causing me to gasp again. "Sorry. Thank you" was all I could say.

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