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"Kyungsoo-ah!!" A very worried Suho sounded as he rushed towards us in a light jog,followed by the other boys,faces tensed with worry.

I continued to weep into Tao's hair,ignoring the said male's question.He came forward and enveloped me in a tight hug,tearing me away from Tao's lifeless figure.The others just stared, a few muffled cries erupting from the crowd as Sehun,being the maknae he is,started to cry in Luhan's arms.

"What happened hyung?"

"That doesn't matter.Take him to a hospital soon." I said emotionlessly "Whatever happened, I don't think knowing would do any good,He needs help.Fast."

I felt the environment get tense around me, confusion and horror struck on every single one of their faces.Suddenly,Chanyeol came forward.

"No.You have to tell us what happened.We're supposed to be brothers right? Brothers share things with each other.Brothers help each other in situations like this.Tell me Kyungsoo-ah,Don't you see us as your Brothers?" He implied.

My heart wretched with pain.Cold tears stung my face yet again.

I was heartbroken.

First Jongin.Then tao. Was I losing the others as well?


I won't let that happen.

"Chanyeol hyung. You guys take care of Tao.His health is more important than this question. No matter what, I wouldnt let ANYTHING happen to tao,but this was beyond my control. NOW GO!! every second counts!!"

Chanyeol looked uneasy,but he softened at my words and let out a deep sigh. "As you say Kyungsoo-ah,as you say" He said defenselessly.I felt sorry for them.They were confused.They were horrified.But,Taking tao to safety was the biggest thing they could do.

Realization hit me again.

The wreath.

The wreath was still on my head. Uncovered.

I wriggled loose from Suho's grasp,and fumbled around to find my hat.Noticing that it had fallen near tao's lifeless body,I ran towards it and picked it up.

Too Late.

"Kyungsoo-hyung~ What's that on your head?"

My shoulders tensed as I muttered under my breath.

What am I gonna do now? Should I reveal my secret to everyone?

And then,I made the most horrendous decision.I grabbed the hat,positioned it on my hair and wiped my tears dry.

"I'll be back" I turned to everyone and said before giving Suho a tight hug in return,

and began to run towards the beach...

Leaving the others immensely confused,standing there with tao's lifeless figure.

Note: The beach as in where they were before. XP

The sea breeze tugged at my hair,as I ran without turning back.Whoever brought me and Jongin together,whoever orchestrated our paths,it smacks of chaos.But now,I was ready to face him.I was ready to ask him everything,no matter what kind of answer I get.I don't care,I don't care if he comforts me and tells me the truth,or breaks my heart into millions and millions of tiny fragments...I just couldn't take this anymore.He was not only hurting me,but he was also hurting the boys..Hurting me is fine,but why would he hurt those innocent boys who have stood with him in every situation?

Why is he doing this?

I reached the place we were having fun earlier,my chest pounding up and down out of breath.I searched around for the whereabouts of Jongin,failing to find him.I walked towards the neck of the woods that stood as a boundary line that divides the forest and the beach,debating on the idea whether I should enter or not.But somehow,I had a gut feeling that if I enter,the answers to my questions will be found.

Gut feelings come with irrationality.

But...oh well...

I entered the forest crossing a nearby brook and tumbled into the grass.I lost my balance as I got up,falling face first,again,into the soft plush grass that surrounded me.A nearby thorn bush tangled in my coat,piercing into my shirt and making deep scratches in my skin.I could feel the blood trickling down my arm,pain sinking in as I struggled to get up.Stay strong Kyungsoo! I told myself as I fist pumped the air for extra motivation and continued exploring the forest.

As I went in deeper,the forest seemed to be getting darker and darker with every step I took.I looked back,only to find thousand pathways leading everywhere,and my irrational mind couldn't remember which one I came through.

Nice.Now I'll die of hunger or be ambushed by some scary predator.

Nice going Kyungsoo.

I shook the though away and peeked through a cluster of trees,to find a waterfall crashing down from a nearby mountain.It's funny that it didn't make any sound,but what was more enchanting was the the way it flowed down into a meadow of Golden daffodils that seem to glimmer in the sunlight.

And,then...I saw it.

Standing there...on top of the mountain,was a silhoutte that no one other than me could recognize...


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