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So with that I told everything to to Tao.He would be the last person I would tell my problems to, being one of the bratty immature maknaes alongside Sehun, but right now I really had to tell someone.But not just anyone.

Someone I trust.

Like Jongin.

But I guess Tao would be the best I will get.No matter how mischevious he was, That kid was smart enough to keep a situation like this a secret.

I told him about my dream.The strange way that I had seen Jongin's bloodshot eyes and his pale complexion,the way he looked as he was crying for days.I told him every single part of the dream,and how his bed was cold in the morning,and the weird way he walked away from me.

And what did I get in return?

"Oh my god hyung! Have you got enough rest lately? I'm sure your hallucinating!"

At that point, I was done.

I took off my coat hastily,rolled up my sleeves to reveal all the bruises and cuts I was hiding all this time.Tao's mouth formed a suprised "O" while he muttered under his breath,which he always does when he's afraid. I raised my eyebrow at him,and finally,without thinking twice...

I took off my cap.

Time seemed to slow down,the golden aura of the laurel wreath gleaming powerfully than ever,as it formed thousands of colourful rays as it met with the sunlight.

"Do you believe me now tao? this is what I told you about.This is what Jongin did to me,or atleast what I think he did to me.I'm starting to hate him Tao....I don't know why~I think the wreath is manupulating my thoughts..but..but..I DON'T KNOW! I- I promised myself.I promised myself that the last thing I would do,ever,was hating him. But now,I can't even keep a promise to myself! I feel empty inside Tao.I'm not kidding.Sometimes I get fed up~ I wonder..when will my time come? when will my time come to go? But then I regret that.Because you guys are my life.I can't afford to lose ya'll.I'm torn,Tao.I'm confused.When will this end,I reallly don't know.But all I'm asking from you Is to believe me,Tao.No matter how horrendous it sounds....Pl-Please.B--bear with m-me"

As I managed to get the last words out of my mouth,tao was left bewildered.Tears streamed from his eyes non-stop,edging their way along his face,forming pathways that screamed despair at just one glance.He stood there.staring at me,the laurel wreath,the bruises.We didn't notice,that it was getting darker,the sun leaving us in inky darkness as it made it's way towards the horizon.

And suddenly,Tao lost control.I couldn't make out what happened,but Tao stretched his hand towards my head,and tried to take off the laurel wreath.His face was horror-struck as a sudden blinding light was exerted from the place that the laurel wreath touched tao's bare hand.

Thousand emotions flickered through his face in that mere second,






as he collapsed,turning pale,leaving me solitary and drunken with immense guilt.

"TAO!!!" I screamed.A sudden thought crossed my mind just then.

I screamed in the same way I had screamed when Jongin walked away.

I was loosing the boys one by one.Little by little,Day by day,minute by minute.

But, I feel like it's all connected in some way...

To Jongin.

I know it's obnoxious...but everything seemed connected to him.His words,his gestures..

And I have a feeling,that someday,someday soon, truth will be found.

And, the truth will be undoubtfully bitter,

But I would rather hear the bitter truth,that a sugarcoated lie.

I kneeled down near tao's unconcious body,wrapped my arms around him,and cried.I felt useless,watching the light fade away as I found nine dark silhouttes rushing towards us...

With the exception of a certain angel boy.

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