Strange Love

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"Ahh.. Ross! I'm going to fall."

"You're not going to fall. The cliff is safe, made from the best type of rock there is. Besides, I'll catch you if you do. We're almost there."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Do you trust me?" he held her hand softly with his, almost as if he was afraid she'd break. His hazel eyes shining with the sun, muscles glistening with sweat from all the climbing and carrying around. Everything felt so surreal, like right out of a fairytale. They had walked through the forest, in hopes of finding a waterfall but found a small cliff dive instead. He had insisted on looking at the view from the peak while she argued that it was safer from the ground instead. But one look into those honey hazel eyes, and her whole argument collapsed while she melted in her sandals, following the good-looking blonde blindly to whatever he wished to go.

Eyes were a weak point. Avoid the eyes. She mentally told herself after she had snapped out of her trance.

"Y-yes. I trust you."

"Well then. Come on! Everything looks great from up here Just a couple more steps." He handed her his hand and continued to pull her in his direction. She could smell the ocean waves blending in with humidity of the green forest. The birds chirping away as the breeze swiftly picked up. Her arms were soft and mushy from all the climbing and her legs felt like jello with every step she took, she had no heart to tell him that she was tired and out of breath. The award winning smile he shot her when he begged her to climb up was too good to break.

It was a good thing he was cute. Well the climbing hadn't been all that bad, who knew boy's back muscles were sexy? Or that Ross leading the way would give her a great view of his butt. The boy was fit, and she was pancake with no abs.

"Fine. Just a couple more steps." She huffed out of breath. Next time, she was picking out the activity.

"Give me your hand and I'll pull you up." Ross said from the top of the ledge. His broad hand stretched out to Laura, he looked so big sort of like skyscraper compared to her. His hand was rough and callous yet at the same time it was soft against her skin as his hand enveloped hers.

"Whoa..." Her feet wobbled slightly on the pebbled rocks and her body tingled once he had placed her in front of him, she could feel the warmth of his skin radiate off of his body, his hand trailed down slightly circling around her waist so that she could stand still.

"Are you alright?" He whispered leaning down to her ear, his soft voice sending shivers down her spine. The urge to turn around and kiss him like there was no tomorrow was too strong, her heart was beating like crazy and so loud she was afraid he could it. the sensation running all over her body, it was small moments like this with him that drove her crazy. Not wanting to seem like an idiot in front of him, she played it off as if he didn't affect her at all but the truth was if his lips lingered that close to her one more she wouldn't be able to control herself.

"It's beautiful..." he led her to the edge, hands intertwined and swinging softly and brought her down for a small break. She thought he would pull away or take his hand back once they sat down but to her surprise he held her closer and put his arm around her as they stared out into the wonders of the beautiful ocean.

They sat there for a while, watching tide after tide hurling out from dark blue to fainted clear blue brush against the rocks as the waves got closer to shore. You were able to watch just how long and wide the ocean was, the endless sea of blue sparkling with sun rays coloring the costal land. There was an inner peace feeling that Laura felt as she sat up there silently watching the wonders of world dissolve in its own nature. The world was so beautiful and big; it was amazing think that from the ground you couldn't see these things. Things seem impossible and out of reach when she was among the plants on the ground, similarity to life we tend to believe that things have one solid entry point because you're looking at the point to where you want to be, and not on the possibility of ways in which you can there. She felt invincible as if nothing and no one could hurt her, that there wasn't anything else that mattered out there in the world. Not her career. Not her fame. Not her money. Not even her mom. All that mattered was them.

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