Through The Heavily Eyelined Eyes Of Rose Weasley

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Hey, I just noticed how I never write disclaimers... Well, don't get excited. I'm not J.K.R. but I honestly wish I was. If I was I'd be, like, royalty! I'd get whatever the hell I wanted from Harry Potter fans and I'd be rich! But I'd also be really old and married with kids and crap so I'm okay being me! For now... until I get famous...

Also, I need nicknames for Scorpius and Al. That's it! I think. It's just a new take on an already-made story. Seriously, J.K.R. sorted out their fate the moment Ron told Rosie to beat Scorpius in every test.


D'you remember how, back when I was in first year, Albus was so worried about being put in Slytherin?


Well, no one thought to ask me if I was worried. 

Everybody was so busy worrying over poor ickle Albus that they forgot to ask me how I felt, whether I was worried about not being put in Gryffindor, if I.... I haven't got a third one!

So, being eleven, I suffered on the inside and remained strong on the outside. Apparently, just like my mother. Now I like to take my inner turmoil out on others both verbally and physically. 'Cause I'm nice like that.

After we got on the train (sitting together, being little first years and all. Also, Al was the son of The Boy Who Lived and didn't want to get jumped on), arrived in Hogsmeade, crossed the black lake in a boat (Albus and I fell off. So did Scorpius Malfoy), got to Hogwarts (which is a really old, really Gothic stone castle) and got sorted by this really cool sorting hat which sang with me (there was a song stuck in my head) it was a shock to everyone when I was sorted into Slytherin. 

Yep, me, Rose Weasley, got sorted into Slytherin, the only Weasley to ever be sorted anywhere except Gryffindor, let alone Slytherin. 

Ya know what I did? Of course you don't seeing as you weren't there - unless you were - so I will tell you now. 

I strutted - yes, strutted - over to the table, hands on my hips, swinging my madly curly hair, and sat down straight next to the boy my father told me to stay away from.

Scorpius Malfoy.

My best friend. 

Yeah, I can practically see your shocked expression and hear you crying out, 'But Rosie, how? How? HOW?' or maybe, you know, not if you're not as dramatic as me. 

Never know. 

So, Al also got sorted into Slytherin and by now everyone was frozen in shock. 

Then James, being awesome, started clapping and cheering from the Gryffindor table and all the Wotters joined in too, and, eventually, the whole hall was clapping, even the teachers. 

It's been five years since then and I'm still a proud Slytherin, along with my besto's Scorpius and Albus (Who NEEDED nicknames seeing as they have the worse names in history and their parents are dolts. They named me  "Thorn". Witty, right? You'll see why. But seriously, they need nicknames.).


So, I'm going to tell you a little about me:

   -My name is Rose Weasley (duh).

   -I have naturally bushy ginger hair but I dye and straighten it so it's blood red and straight, to my waist.

   -I'm rebel ('nough said)

   -When I send texts the grammar must be perfect!

   -I get pissed when people think I'll end up marrying Scorp' and having his babies. Ewie!

   -My favorite colour is orange! It's so pretty and alive! (People say that...)

   -I like to have conversations with portraits (preferably the one of my late uncle Fred who apparently got a portrait because he died in the Second Wizarding War but his and my uncle George's products saved loads of lives. I really love him. He gives me my best prank ideas! But he makes me late to class a lot...It's win win, I guess.).

   -Coughing hurts my throat.

   -I'm loud.

   -I hate limes. There's no sense in green lemons.

   -My cousin James is overly protective. 

   -I like to think of crappy pick-up lines with Al and Scorpius. 

   -I like pranks. James and Fred bet me, Al and Scorpius that they could get more detentions than us before they leave school even though we'd have another year until the bet's completed. Prats. 

   -I love my red lipstick! 

   -I'm not eleven years old anymore. 

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