x. toilet paper

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louis and maybellene went to tesco's. it was right around the cornor of where he was staying at so he decided to go there instead of another shop that was way farther. plus harry shops there so it must be good. they grabbed a cart and were rolling through the aisles, trying to find where the bathroom essentials were at. maybellene was pushing the cart while louis was looked around, amazed on how massive the supermarket was here. and as well as the deals.

"10 of these are only 2 pounds?", he exclaimed when he nudged towards the chips. maybellene just laughed as he reminded her of a 6 year old boy. maybe he secretly was a 6 year old boy at heart.

"we better find that toilet paper before you end up buying the whole store.", she grinned, dragging louis with her to the 9th aisle where the toilet paper was at. they were greeted with shelves of toilet paper varying in style.

"did harry want ultra-soft or angel-soft?", maybellene exaggerated, holding each type in either hand.

"ultra-soft. he is most defiantly not an angel.", louis said, grabbing the pack of toilet paper and placing it in the cart.

"and how would you know that mhh?", she winked, causing louis to roll his eyes and laugh.

"shut up. you know what i mean."

she went over to the cart and started rolling it away. "mhh, sure i do."


the boys were watching a film when louis and maybellene got home. louis greeted harry by throwing the toilet paper at the back of his head which caused maybellene to stifle a laugh. the rest of the boys turned back at them, sly grins on their faces. well, except for harry, he was grabbing the back of his head complaining on how louis could've gave him a concussion but louis didn't pay attention.  he didn't care which made maybellene laugh even more. 

all the boys were introduced to maybellene and they seemed to like her. harry just gave her an awkward smile when she sat down next to him. they had ordered pizza and there was still a few slices left in the box. louis heated two slice up for himself and maybellene who was having a conversation with harry. she was blushing and covering her face as harry laughed. louis knew that he was flirting and to say he was jealous would be an understatement. 

the microwave beeped and louis took the plate out. "fuck!", he shouted as he dropped the plate onto the ground. shards of ceramic was on the ground as well as the two slices of pizza. everyone looked at him, startled and confused.

"do you not know what a microwave safe plate is?", niall asked as he went over to louis.

"shut up martha stewart."

he laughed. "i'll get the broom. may, can you help?"

she nodded and followed harry into the hallway. louis shook his head as he looked down at the mess he made while niall continued to mock his gestures by dropping random things on the floor. liam and zayn laughed which only made louis groan in annoyance.

ten minutes had passed and harry and maybellene still weren't back with the broom. louis's face turned into a confused state. what's taking them so long, he thought to himself. he didn't think to much about it after a while and just sat down next to zayn, leaving his mess untouched and still on the floor. 

"i can't do this."

they all turned towards the hall way as a flustered maybellene walked out of it and towards the door. harry came soon after, out of breathe and his hair messier than usual.

"look i'm sorry!", he shouted, grabbing hold of maybellene's wrist. she pulled her arm out of his grip before giving him the deadliest stare and leaving, slamming the door that most likely woke up all of their neighbors. 

all the boys looked at harry, unsure of what the hell just happened. but out of them all, louis was the most confused.

"what the fuck did you do?"

harry stayed silent for a while. "harry, what. the. fuck. did. you. do."

he looked towards louis. "i kissed her okay."


this chapter sucks i know i'm just not on my A game lately.

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