x. tiny black box

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harry drove maybellene to louis's place to pick up her gift. her stomach was burning in anticipation and her heart was beating hard enough to hear.

"babe, you okay?", harry asked, quickly glancing at may then back towards the road. he was doing this the whole ride.

maybellene nodded because her words were replaced with sounds of uncertainty. but she didn't want harry to know this. he couldn't know this.

harry pulled into the driveway and put his car in park. he reached for his seatbelt but maybellene stopped him.

"no you should stay. keep the car warm.", she smiled. "it'll be quick."

harry looked at her with confusion but nodded and stayed in his car. maybellene gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out and walking towards the front door.

her heart skipped a beat every time she drew closer towards the front steps of louis's place. she rang the doorbell and the door automatically opened. "hey."

louis was dressed in sweats. he looked like he hadn't left his home in days

"come in."

maybellene looked back at harry who was in the car scrolling through his phone. she let out a quick sigh before walking inside, louis shutting it close.

"just take a seat. your gift is in my room.", he said, quickly disappearing into the hallway.

maybellene walked towards his kitchen and took a seat on the black stools placed against the counter. she sat there quietly, even though she swore the beating of her heart was loud enough to be heard. 

"pull yourself together.", she mumbled to herself, looking down at her hands in her lap.

"what was that?"

she looked up and saw louis standing at the entrance of the hallway with a little pink bag. his whole look was dishevled but to maybellene it was the sweetest sight.

"nothing! just mumbling a song that's been stuck in my head.", she replied. her answer wasn't very convincing but louis just shrugged it off.

he walked towards her and with every step he took maybellene's heart beat grew faster and faster. oh god what the hell is he doing to me, she thought to herself as louis stood across from her to where she was sitting. he stood a few inches away but to maybellene it felt as if it were miles. she wanted there to be no space between them. she wanted that so bad.

louis handed her the pink little bag, letting out a small grin. "i know the bag seems very girly but that's the only bag it would fit in."

maybellene took it and thanked him. "do you want me to open it now?'

he nodded. maybellene began to pull out the white tissue paper and then pulled out a tiny black box.

she looked up at louis with a questionable look but louis just nodded his head, signaling for her to open it.

maybellene took the top of the tiny black box off and inside was a dainty necklace. she picked it up and looked at it and her eyes began to well up with tears.

the charm attached to the necklace was a little subway train.

she looked up at louis, who was smiling at her reaction. "happy birthday may."

and before she knew it, his lips were on hers. 

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