Chapter 11

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I came back home and put Hailie to bed. I sighed softly, setting alarms in my phone to check in on her. I walked to the foyer (den) and saw Anthony sitting there, shirt unbuttoned, drink in hand. "The prodigal husband returns..." He chuckled. "What's wrong with her?" I just shook my head and walked to him.

"Like you care." I said. He cocked his head and stood up, walking my way. I stopped moving toward him.

"Ian..." He mumbled pinning me to the wall. "You know, you've been distant lately. He mumbled against my neck. He kissed it softly, looking up at me. "Have you been playing house with someone else, Ian?" He asked.

I looked at him. "You're sick... Delusional." I sternly said. "What reason would I have to cheat?" I tried pushing him off, but he pressed more of his weight onto me.

"Lots of reasons." He kissed along my jawline. "Sex isn't as good anymore, that damn child being in the way, you falling out of love with me." He whispered softly. "You don't get to walk away from me, Ian Andrew Hecox." He said, caressing my face. Then he began laughing. "Oh God, I could hurt you right now." I pushed him off of me.

"I'm in love with Anthony Padilla. Not this douchebag keeping him hostage inside his own damn body." I yelled. "Look at your pathetic ass. How the hell do you sleep at night?" I got in his face. "You can do whatever to me. You will not, hurt that child sleeping in there. So help me, you lay a hand on her... I'll hurt you so bad, Anthony. Fuck, I'd even kill you. Where the fuck did my husband go?" I slapped him. He was stunned holding his face. He sat up chuckling. His eye was bleeding. I'd burst a vein.

"You'd kill me huh?" He said pushing me up against the wall roughly. "I'd like to see you try." He growled. "I'd like to see you fucking try!" He punched me in the stomach, taking my breath away. He kicked me and punched me. This time was different. More power, longer duration. No letting up... I guess I brought it in myself but my words stand. I don't care about taking this beating. I care that my daughter never has to live in this fear that I live in.

After what seemed like hours, Anthony pulled my face up from the carpet, letting me breathe. When I saw all the blood, I started to freak out again. The same feeling I felt a year ago. Scared, stupid, used and abused. I couldn't help but cry. Pulled myself up and put myself up on my hands and knees.

"So Ian answer me this damn question." Anthony grabbed my hair and snapped my neck back looking me in the eyes. "Who have you been fucking around with, Ian." I looked at him breathing heavy. I shook my head weakly and he tightened his grip on my head. "Say it!" He yelled.

I looked at him, trying to make eye contact with him. "Anthony... I haven't slept with anyone else..." I cried. "Please... I wouldn't do that to you or Hailie." I whispered. I felt his stare on me, judging my every breath, even. He threw my head down.

"You're a little fucking bitch." Anthony chuckled. "Weak!" He kicked me again, this time I heard one of my ribs crack. He walked around me in a circle. I tried once again to get up. Once I did, Anthony grabbed me and took me to the bathroom. I tried to dig my heels into the carpet but he counteracted me with force. He turned on the light and sat me on the counter. He began running a bath, for the both of us. I looked at his arms. Weird. Pinpoints and scars. Drugs again... The scars were from his first round of abusing me. His way of apologizing. I sighed, and put the thought out of my mind that he'd change. He would never change, ever. He stopped the bath and took our clothes off, kissing my softly. He sighed, I didn't move. It was just a kiss to me now. Nothing more. He put me in the bath, sitting up behind me. The warm water burned on my open wounds. The towel on my face was the butch of them all. Anthony sighed. "I know I'm a dick." He said softly. I shrugged him off. He went on talking, until I couldn't take the sound of his voice anymore. I got out and grabbed a towel, going to the bedroom. I went to Hailie's room and locked the door. She was still sleeping and sleeping soundly. I looked at her and sighed going to the twin bed we had in there for when she was ready to move beds. I laid down on it, back to the wall. I was sleeping in here tonight, the place I slept almost every night. I was closing my eyes when Anthony knocked softly on the door. I turned on the side lamp on Hailie's dresser and unlocked the door opening it slowly. "What?"I said as softly as I could.

"Come out here please?" Anthony asked. I sighed and looked at Hailie and the bed. I decided to take a chance and left the room, closing the door softly behind me. "What?" I said. I looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm so sorry, Ian... I'm still so fucked up." He held me close but I squirmed a bit, as if it was too tightly. He sighed and let go. "What can I do to make it up?" He asked. I shook my head and walked back into Hailie's room, locking the door again. I laid down and heard Anthony's body slide down to the floor outside of the door.

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