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JACK sits comfortably atop of the wooden seat their coffeeshop has as he, Ari and Bony wait for Mark. Apparently most of the four has already talked to their interviewees' on their social medias through chat. Ari got two interviews done, Bonny has three while Jack has only one ("What a dissappointment, Jack."). After hearing the news, Jack decides to have an early meeting with the four so he can start his article early. Unfortunately though, Mark is seem to be running late.

"Where is he? You know if we're late, Aberdeen will kill us." Ari comments irratatedly while he stirs the black coffee he orders.

Jack sighs, "Dude, chill. We still have," he pauses as he look at his wrist watch. "Like twenty minutes."

Ari shakes his head. "Where is he anyway, Bonny? Aren't you suppose to be together?"

The Asian boy looks up from his notebook. "I don't really know. When I knocked earlier his mom said he left early then I got your message and got a ride here."

"Right." Jack answers, raising both of his eyebrow due to the light headache he has.


"Okay, why don't we just uh, talk about the infos we got ourselves? Maybe Mark can't really come today." Jack sighs before flipping his notebook open.

"Finally." Ari comments after doing the same thing Jack did. "We got like 10 minutes before school starts."

As the three starts exchanging information they find out the usual answers:

a) Ladi's usually bubbly and kind. Always helping and standing up for anyone though because she has the pretty face and Chase got the hots for her, she never gets bullied.

b) She's a smart girl, running for valedictorian.

c) On the last day she's seen alive, she still has the same attitude and friendly demeanor.

d) No one hates her. ("At least not much.")

e) "She was a really, really great person, you know? I just - Oh my God, I can't believe she's - she did that to herself, and I'm just --"

Jack isn't as satisfied as he needs to be but it's a start. Knowing what initially Ladi felt and what people think of her is a start. He calls it an introduction. Introduction to the article and most importantly, to her.

People may ask: Why does he to know her to write an article?

To be honest, he doesn't know either. All he knows is he's a little bit confused and a lot more intrigue than he used to be. Confused because, a beautiful, smart and talented girl has killed herself and didn't leave any notes.

And intrigue because of the same reasons. All he can ask right now is: Why. Though admittedly, he already has two theory as to why, which is a) the least resonable one; it's a murder. And b) family problem. Which is more resonable considering that most suicidal people either has a problem outside home or inside.

Either way, there's only one thing that's he's most sure of: He will know why.

The three leaves the coffeeshop after Jack bids his mom goodbye who's preparing coffees at the back of the counter. After arriving outside, the three leaves using Aria's car which he asked permission about earlier since he thinks they may have a chance to be late.

And he's right.


The three have to tiptoe in the corridor as they're five minutes late due to the small traffic that occur Downtown. After lightly slamming their lockers shut, the three carefully trudges their separate halls toward their first periods, bidding each other a good luck not to meet Aberdeen.

The luck doesn't seem to work on Jack because as he's a meter away from his History class, Aberdeen's booming voice echoes through the empty hallway. Mouthing incoherent cuss words, he sighs as he turns around to the middle age woman.

Aberdeen is Hayden High's spouseless, terror guidance counselor (which Jack finds himself to always snort at because of the mean demeanor the gray-haired woman always has). With her pointed glasses, permanent scrunched eyebrow and thin line of lips etched on the lower part of her face, everyone quivers at the sight of Aberdeen since her idea of fun usually involves delinquents helping clean the school, or spend three hours with her in detention.

"Hey, Ms. Aberdeen." Jack says before giving her the most suck-up smile he can give.


"Why so glum, chum?"

Looking up from his tray, Jack sees the owner of the familiar voice. Nathan Collins with his shoulder-length, chestnut hair.

"Hey, man!" Jack stands up as he meets Nathan's hand to do their shoulder, man bump. "How's the gig?"

"Great. We had a fun night - " Nathan sits with Jack while he continues to talk about what happened to their gig. Soon, Ari and Bonny arrives along with the flame-haired vocalist of T&K, Samantha Strides, and the brothers, basist and lead guitarist, Park and Justin Sheppard.

The seven continue their conversation as the four musician catches up to the latest bits of Hayden that zones to Mykaela Ford supposedly gotten pregnant by Chase Manning, Hunter Dawson's leaked nudes with football star, James Novak, to of course, the most unfortunate of all, Ladi Higmore's death.

"At least we have a real news." Sam comments as she bitterly eats her fries. Ari who's sitting beside her nudges the girl to her side. Sam raises her eyebrow to the Indian boy in which he returns by glaring at her. Giving her the shut up look.

"What?" She mouths to him.

Shaking his head, Ari nod towards Jack who's busy scribbling down his notebook.

"Ooooh." Sam mouths again. As soon as the table becomes silent, Sam straightens her pose and asks Jack.

"So, Jack. How's the writing going?" Jack looks up from his notebook.

"Nothing much, really. I have to wri--"

Before Jack can even finish his sentence, everyone's attention goes to Mark who suddenly opens the door. The large door smashing loud at the wall. Mark stands in front of the cafeteria's entrance while he pants and looks around. When Mark's eyes finds Jack's, the raven haired boy grins and start running towards their table.

As Mark arrives in front of their table the rest of the student continues their business.

"Mark? Where have you been?" Ari asks. Mark sits down beside Sam, taking a handful of fries to his mouth in the process before Sam can glare at him.

Looking towards Jack, he grins at him. "Dude, I got something for you." He says, eyes wide due to excitement.


"So you got me an interview at Ladi's maid?"

Jack finalizes. Apparently, the reason why Mark hasn't able to arrive earlier is because he has spent his entire night trying to find a family member of Ladi. Due to his dismay he can't find any though he did find someone who may help them.

Fatima West is Ladi Higmore's maid who Mark meets while he's passing by Ladi's house. Apparently, she's on the process of boxing Ladi's belongings and while it takes Mark a lot of persuasing to have an interview with her, she finally gives up and settles for it.

"Yep. Well, she's not really her maid. She just washes her clothes for her." Mark clears before drinking Park's Pepsi.

"What the hell, man?"

"You love me, shut up." Mark says at the boy before returning his attention to Jack. "So, the interview is later after school, Jack. Fatima says she won't be coming back here after she finishes packong Ladi's things."

"Alright." Jack sighs. Immediately the bell rings but before they all leave he looks at Mark. "Hey, thanks again, M. I owe you."

"Just buy me lunch for a week and we're all peachy." Mark grins.


A/N: Okay, a wee-bit short but hey, at least we're getting to something. Don't forget to leave your feedbacks, a vote and do share if you can!

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