Shell Of A Woman: Part Two

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"Having the greatest satisfaction means the world to some people. But, as for others, they expect more out of you more than themselves sometimes." -Yamesia


A/N: Now, I do wanna make clear that a lot of these quotes will be from me. I already made note of that, but I just wanted y'all to be more sure and remember because of the repetition of my name being used. As for times when you'll see "Danielle" "Paris" "Malcolm", or any other character being quoted, that's what they have either said years ago, or are thinking about in this previous time. On with the story!


Brielle hissed as the peroxide blazed her purple, blue, and black bruises on her arms, thighs, abdomen, and backside.

She thanked God as she thought about it being the winter time and wearing nothing but long sleeve shirts, sweaters, joggers, scarfs, and other necessities to keep the warmth brazing her body.

Her father had never bruised her as badly as he has tonight.

He truly meant for Brielle to never take him for a joke any longer.  But, it's not like he was on her mind at the time she was being a mischievous person.

Trinity was still asleep, safe and sound inside of his crib in the next room over.

Although, she did not trust her three-month old son sleeping alone, she found it as an opportunity to get things done if he was out of the way for a few moments to spare whenever there was work to be done.  School work that would be.

Brielle is indeed a senior in high school, not the twenty-five year old stripper with a one-year old son.

As for now, they only what she wanted to portray herself as. A young woman struggling to take care of her son, as if his father couldn't help out to do so.

That was another white lie told upon those ears that would listen, and those eyes that had never laid upon Brielle Jackson a day in their lives.

Her bedroom door creaked open as she was putting her all black undergarments onto her body.

"You done?" Travis asked as he entered her adjoining bathroom.

Brielle nodded her head up and down as she slipped into a pair of skin tight yoga pants and an oversized New York t-shirt.

"Good. Because we need to deliver this shit and be done for the night. Ya' hear me lil' girl?" Her father asked, his New Orleans accent becoming thick by the second.


Travis raised his hand in the air and came down full force onto his daughter's backside, causing her bruises to ache and sting from the impact.

She let out a small scream as she fell to the floor by her tub, tears spilling from her eyes as they landed on her shirt and tights.

"Did you hear me?!" He yelled louder.

"Y-yes sir." She croaked, clearing her throat as she proceeded to stand up from the bathroom floor slowly.

"Hurry up. We got shit to do." He forcefully grabbed her neck and yanked her out of the bathroom into her room.

Brielle's father and his best friend, Isaac Vaughn, Jr., ran a private escort business outside of Redwood. Brielle normally went to impose for them to get business up and booming whenever things weren't going right with a few of their hookers.

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