Starting Over

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***Talyea's POV***

"Shit!" I said in a whisper, bending over to pick up some of the glass I had just broken. I was such a klutz, and my sister didn't help the situation at all.

"What the fuck, Taly, why do you have to be such a klutz?" My sister, Farrah, said, rolling her eyes. "God, who in gods green earth would like you? Klutzy, short, weird, stupid, not to mention a horrible taste in music."

"Thanks Farrah, I can always depend on you to to insult me."

"Welcome. Now, I am off to work. Bye bitch-slut." She said over her shoulder as she walked out the door.

My eyebrows knitted together; what the fuck was a bitch-slut? Farrah literally comes up with the stupidest "insulting" names know to mankind. Once, when she was at work (the strip joint, she was their main attraction according to the owner), she called another stripper a "cunt-fuck," which I found hilarious for reasons I don't think I need to explain.

I walked over to the garbage can and threw the pieces of glass away, and went straight to my room to find my needle and the bag of cocaine that I had kinda stolen from Farrah, but she was usually at work or too high to notice that it was missing.

My name is Talyea Gray-Pavone, Kyle from We Came As Romans little half sister. I put emphasis on the half because he's never around, and we are half siblings. Farrah isn't even my full sister, she's my half, but not Kyle's half sister. She was always there for me when I needed it, Kyle wasn't. But lately, Farrah has been so horrible to me I'm starting to think I should leave. But finding a place that will let someone unemployed like me in would be hard.

I took enough out to fill a beer bottle cap and heated it until it was liquidized before I but it into the needle. I grabbed something to tie my arm with, maybe it was a tie the Farrah's boyfriend, Gavin, left behind.

How could I afford any of this? Farrah hooked me up a lot, but like I said, lately she's been a cow and even tried to get me a job as a stripper where she work. Apparently, my gray-ish green eyes, light pink/purple hair and tanned olive like skin would be a hit with the men. I would never sell my body like she would, so I refused.

I tied my arm and let the needle pierce through my skin, delivering that buzz through my entire body.

Being 23 and living with your unsuccessful half sister while your extremely successful half brother is traveling the world and making music wasn't a very happy thought.

I sat back against the toilet and closed my eyes, but maybe this time I think I took a little too much.


I let my eyes flutter open, they soon falling on a somewhat familiar face, I couldn't figure who. It was male though, too masculine to be Farrah.

"Travis?" I said quietly, feeling his hand rub against my face.

"Not quite..."

My eyes opened wider and sat up. "Kyle? Why are you her-"

"Before you say anything along the lines of seeing me, listen." He put a finger up to shush me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, leaning back, signalling him to go on. "I know you're wondering why I'm here, and why Farrah or Travis aren't. But the past few months, Farrah, Travis and I have been talking... They want you out."

"You're lying." I said.

"No, Talyea, I'm not. She doesn't want you living with her anymore and after your little stunt that landed you here-"

And it wasn't until then when I fully realized where I was. The hospital.

He continued to talk, saying that after whatever happened last night Farrah and Travis called saying they were done with me and needed me out so more of her stripper friends could move in. He continued to say that it was either I go with him and tour and get clean, or he checks me into a rehab centre and I get clean myself. Either way, I had to get clean.

"Why do you even care?" I asked after he explained.

And then he looked at me with the most caring, yet saddest look a single person could give to someone they care for. "Talyea, I know, I wasn't there when you were younger, but that doesn't mean I can't fix it. You are my only sibling, and I screwed a lot of things up. But you're my little sister. I can't, no I won't, watch you die when I can still help."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Please, give me another shot?"

I bit my lip. Here was my brother, who I thought never gave a damn about me, was sitting beside me in the hospital, begging for me to get clean and to fix what he did. How could I go on saying he doesn't give a damn when he really does? All these years of hating him, wishing he wasn't my brother, wanting to know if he cared, he did. The people I thought cared about me never gave a damn about me, but the one person...

This took forever to wrap my head around, but I eventually made my decision;

I was going with him.

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