...Then I Can Be An Example Of Starting Over

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Hello, beautiful people of Wattpad who are reading this story! I litterally the worst person ever for never updating! Ugh! But since it's been forever since an update, I decided to make this special. In have no idea how many pages this is because I'm doing it from my iPod, so I apologize if it's short. I also apologize if they're any errors, again, it's from my iPod, it's five in the morning and I just spent the past three hours trying to perfect it for you guys! Have anything you want to say? Talyea and Andy ship name? Alice and Josh ship name (haha, next chapter bitchachos jk ily all)? What you think should happen next? Comment below, because the odds are in your favour and I will answer you!

Also I'd like to say that there is a sex scene in this part, so yeah, sorry if it sucks, but I tried!

Enjoy! xox

*** Talyea's Point of View ***

"Andy, I don't want to get up." I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head. I was currently trying to have a nap, but Andy seemed to differ.

"Lets go get a movie! Or go to the mall! Talyea, please can we do something!"

"How about sleep?"

"How about no?" He said, lying down beside me in my bed an nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"Andy, why do you want to go so bad?" I asked, although I knew the answer already. More touring.

"Lyea.... Why don't you want to come this time around?"

"Because touring is the most stressful thing in the world. Top that with six insane guys, four amazing merch people and amazing yet crazy fans."

"Talyea, I know touring is stressful but you can't let it get to you." He said with snarky tone. He sat up and walked out of the bedroom. Was he seriously going to argue about this?


"Well unlike you, who can just sleep, play a gig, meet fans and do interviews, I have more things to deal with. This is now including all the band sluts and obsessive fangirls that constantly send hate now because I'm your girlfriend." I said, walking into the kitchen where he was taking a shot of Fireball straight from the bottle.

"Just ignore them." He shrugged. What was up his ass today?!

"Just ignore them? Oh, because that's going to help when they're all telling me that I shouldn't be with you, or that, I'm a stupid slut and attention whore and that I made up my story of addiction just so I can be with you when I really had no fucking intention of it." I snapped and crossed my arms, blinking fast so tears that threatened to fall from my eyes didn't.

"Yeah, we'll I didn't either! I didn't expect to fall for Kyle's fucked up, drug addict sister!" He raise his voice, and I stood there stunned. Did he really just say that?

"So that's what you really think? That I'm just Kyle's fucked up, drug addict sister?"

Andy's head shot up and he looked at me, his eyes wide and scared as he started to make his way to me.

"Talyea, I didn't mean to say that."

"Don't even start." I put my hands up, telling his to keep his distance. "Just... Just don't." I shook my head, heading towards the door.

I slipped on my Toms and walked out the door. Why was he like this? I know I had troubles of addiction, but I've quit now. Yes, he'll be gone and he won't know what I'm actually doing, but why can't he just trust me on this one? I don't want to go.

Flipping my black hood over my head, I made my way to the mall. I was walking there, not driving. Andy can have his damn truck.

Wiping the tears that were falling from my eyes, I walked into the busy mall. It was Saturday, so if course it was busy.

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