I Hated It.

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••• Andy's Point of View •••

"A baby?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

Talyea nodded, wrapping her arms around her stomach and staring at her legs. My mind began to race. A baby?

"A baby? As in, a living human being, growing inside of you?" She nodded again. "Are you sure?"

"Am I sure I'm pregnant? Why would I say I'm pregnant when I know I'm pregnant?"

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"How do you know it's mine?"

Talyea's head shot up and she stared at me, her facial expression upset.

"How do I know it's yours?" She asked, her eyes narrowing. "Well considering that we've only been separated not even a week, and your the only I've ever slept with, no, it's totally not yours. You know, I had a feeling you'd be a little be surprised about it, but I didn't think you'd have to be an ass about it." She snapped in a calm way, getting off the bed and walking out. Leaving me to mentally punch myself in the face multiple times.

Honestly, I was scared shitless knowing I was about to be a father. Me. An actual father to a child of my own blood? That scared me, and maybe my reaction wasn't the best for someone who just got the love of his life back.

But that's the thing. I'm having a baby with the love of my life. I don't know why but that scares me so much.

*** Talyea's Point of View ***

I ran my fingers through my hair, sitting on Kyle's couch. Honestly, Andy's reaction really pissed me off, but it also really hurt. It was like he didn't care, well, I mean, he probably doesn't but whatever.

"So, what's up?" Genevieve said, sitting in the empty spot next to me, handing me a cup of hot chocolate while she popped the cap off of her beer. I sighed.

"Everything." I laughed, putting my cup on the table beside me. "Is Kyle here?"

"Not at the moment. He went over to see how Josh was doing, then him, Lou and Eric were gonna hit up a tattoo shop and get some more ink. Why? Ya need him?"

"Yeah, actually I do." I said, a lightbulb going off in my head. "What tattoo parlour did he say they were going to?"

"One downtown." She took a sip of her beer. "You'd have to ask Lou, he's gotten one there before. Why? Thinking of getting one?"

"Yeah... I am. Hey, um, listen, I need to go. Someone's, waiting for me at the park in twenty minutes."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll see you tonight, hopefully?"

"Yeah, hopefully." I sighed, standing up and walking to the door.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked, sipping on her beer again.

"Yeah, peachy." I lied, slipping on my shoes and walking out the door, walking a bit before saying fuck it, and hailed a cab.

I arrived at the park and got out of the cab, paying the honest-to-God scariest Indian I've ever seen (not trying to be racist, I swear!) and began my trek through the park. The trees stood tall, the grass green as could be (with the help of chemicals, so I would guess), the path was wife enough for people to walk one way, and runners the other. There was a water park, little kids yelling and screaming in enjoyment while parents looked on at picnic tables.

I stopped and looked around, scanning faces for that oh-so-familiar face. I stopped and smiled, my eyes falling on the person I was looking for.

I made my way to the man and little boy, both with beautiful blue eyes, and dark brown hair. There was also black lab with them. The man looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, Tals."

"Hey Ryan! How are you?" I smiled, hugging him and taking in that familiar scent of cigarettes.

"I'm good! I brung Brandon along, I thought you'd need some cheering up and quite frankly, I do too." He laughed, scratching the back of his neck. As he did this, his shirt lifted up a bit and showed very little of what looked like a large, beautiful tattoo.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting down across from him while Brandon played with the lab, laughing every time it ran away from him.

"It's Carlee. I mean - there's this girl at the shop." He started, his attention turning to his son when he screamed. "Her name's Sapphire. She grew up in the not so pretty parts of Detroit, and has had a really rough life. Her dad was killed in a drive-by when she was seven and she was there. Her mom abused her everyday after that, became a stripper and became a huge drug abuser. Her brothers fucked off when she was twelve, her sister was raped and killed, and she was bullied all through high school. She tried to end her life once. Anyway, she graduated, her life path litterally on the path of destruction like her mother, who I may add died from an overdose, and I figured, hey why not let her have a second chane before everything heads south for her. I know her through another guy, so I asked her if she'd want to be a receptionist and she said yeah."

"And what's Carlee's problem?"

"Sapphire and I kinda.... Got drunk and.... Yeah, fill in the blanks." He said, running his hand through his hair and letting out a sigh.

"No way! Ryan!"

"I know I fucked up, and I told her that and I'm not going to go into how many apologies I've given her and the chocolates. It's just - now Sapphire thinks there's something between us and thinks we're a thing when we're not a thing and I don't want to lose Carlee and goddammit I hate this!" He said, hitting his head against the table repeatedly. I laughed at this, him hittin his head on the table I mean. He'll regret it later.

"Have you talked to Sapphire about it?" I asked, staring at my hands.

"Not yet. I dot know what to say without hurting her feelings."

"Ryan..." I sighed, standing up from my seat and walking over to sit next to him. "You hve to talk to Sapphire about it."

"But I don't want to hurt her! She's been through enough already!


"I have an idea...."


"You ready?" I asked, looking at Ryan. He nodded nervously.

"I think so."

"I don't need an 'I think,' I need a 'yes.' Can you give me a yes?"

He smiled. "Yes."

I shot the same smile back. "Go get your girl back."

He nodded and made his way into their house. Yes, I did infact have an almost three hour conversation with Ryan, going over in fine detail the simplest thing - buy flowers, chocolates, another things she likes, then make up. Don't ask, but shit got sidetracked.

I sat in his Chevrolet Avalanche, looking after Brandon, who was passed out in the back seat. I smiled and my hand landed on my stomach, the sudden pregnancy sickness waving over me yet again. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, glancing in the rearview mirror to check up on the little guy. If be having my own soon, when you think of it. Only thing is - would Andy want go step up to the plate and be a father, or will he just dump me.

Fearing the worst, I knew exactly what to do.

And I hated it.

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