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•••Andy's Point of View•••

My fist made connection to the bastards face, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

I shook my hand that hit him; he had solid fuckin face.


Talyea was in Kyle's arms, knocked unconcious and her face bloody. Scarily bloody.

I knelt down beside Kyle.

"We need to get her to the hospital!" Josh exclaimed, everyone was in panic mood right now.

"Guys.... Guys.... GUYS!" Everyone stopped and looked behind us to where the voice was.

"Scotty?" Kyle's eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I know, not exactly how I'd like to say hi right now." He waved it off.

Scotty nudged me to step away, an I didn't complain. I stood up and ran my finger through my hair. Who the fuck was this and why the fuck did he do this?

***Talyea's Point of View***

I am completely positive I am dead. Dead meat. I just not only ran into my ex, but I got the shit beat our of me, and I am 99.99999% sure, Scotty and Kyle, will have something to say about this. They hate it when I'm by myself at night, it freaks them out.


I groaned and rolled over in my bunk, flying out of it.

I sat up and rubbed my head. Wrong side to roll out of.

I stood up and climbed up, grabbing my phone out of my bunk. It said it was six in the evening.

Holy shit.

Where was everybody though? No one was in the bus, and we had the day off today, now where the fuck are they?

I opened my bag and grabbed my loose fit, white v-neck t-shirt and my 'Love Sick' skinny jeans I got from Hot Topic. I was still in my clothes that I had gotten beaten in, changing is necessary.

I walked into the bathroom and undress, stepping into the shower. I'm almost positive I had one yesterday, but I don't remember, yesterday was hazy.

I turned on the water and stepped in, the warm water hitting my back felt nice.

After I washed my hair and dryed off, I slipped into my outfit for today, then took a good look at my black eye.

"Well shit." I muttered to myself, lightly pressing the area that was bruised. I pretty sure my nose was bruised too, at least it felt like it.

I grabbed my make-up bag and unzipped it, grabbing my cover up and lightly brushing over the bruise and the rest of my face. I then put on a little bit of mascara on my lashes before putting on my 'hipster' glasses and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I blew my cheeks out and let out a sigh before walking out into the front lounge and found a note in the fridge.

Went out for dinner. Kyle didn't want to wake you so text me you awaken, Monster Peach.


'Monster Peach.' I was gonna kick him the pants; I hate that nickname. I got that nickname before Kyle and I weren't on the greatest of terms. It was Halloween and we all went of trick-or-treating (I was 13, Kyle was 14 and Scotty was 16) for shots and giggles. Scotty went as Luigi, Kyle went as Mario (he managed to get a fatsuit for it as well) and I went as Princess Peach. A couple of Scotty's friends were five blocks across from us and wanted us to join, so we cut through the forest. Lets just say, went in as a princess, but came out as a monster. It has stuck ever since. Even two weeks later, when mine and Kyle'a terms with each other got bad.

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