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Another update yay! So I'm really sorry if there's anything wrong, I just really wanted to update and get the new additions into it!

Enjoy, beauts :* <3

•••Andy's Point of View•••

We all waited in the hospital waiting room, everyone looked either anxious or slightly drunk.

It had been almost an hour since Talyea and I were dancing in the rain and she got hit by a car. The driver wasnt paying much attention, and I honestly didn't blame him, he had three young children in the car and his wife was at work, so concentration could easily be broken.

The man called the ambulance and said he'd even pay for it, which I said no to as I wouldn't care to pay for it. We then waited twenty, painful minutes until paramedics arrived. I held the lifeless Talyea in my arms.

Just as they put her in the stretcher and started loading her into the back of the ambulance, the guys showed up. Kyle and Scotty started freaking out, well everyone did. Kyle ended up in the back of the ambulance with her, and we followed behind.

I told the guy it would be ok, and that he should probably get home. He had three kids to put to bed and a wife to get home too.

He was hesitant, but he went, and the rest of us piled onto the bus and made our way to the hospital.

Now here we are, in the hospital waiting room, waiting for the doctor to show up ad tell us she'd be ok.

"Andy, can I talk to you?" Scotty asked.

I nodded and we stood up, walking around the corner and to the elavator.

We stood in the elavator in silence.

"I hope you know that no ones mad at you." He said, the elavator stopping at a floor and picking a good looking nurse up.

"I don't believe that." I said. Kyle had been throwing me some evil looking glances since this happened. Or maybe they were just worried, I don't know.

We were quiet for a little longer until we hit the main floor, walking into the cafeteria ad grabbing some coffee. It was three in the goddamn morning, and we had a show to play soon.

"Why do you doubt that we're not mad at you?"

"Oh come on, Scotty, Kyle's been wanting to strangle me since you guys showed up back at the venue's parking lot. No need to fucking lie about it." I said, pissed off at myself. "If we didn't go out, none of this would be happening. It's my fault."

"It's not your fault. And it not the guy-who-hit-her's fault either. His kids seemed fucking loud." He said sternly. "Andy, Talyea wouldn't want you to be blaming this in yourself or doubting yourself. She'd want you to just believe in yourself. That's when things get better; when you believe in yourself."

I say there and processed what Scotty just said. He was right, Talyea would want that.

"I'm going to go back up, you coming?"

"I'll be up in a second." I said, waiting for him to be out of sight before pulling out my phone and dialling a number.


"Hey, Als, it's Andy." I said.

"Oh my god, it's my cousin that I'd never thought I'd speak to again because he's all famous." She laughed.

Alice was my cousin, and she lived forty-five minutes out of Portland. We grew up together, then her parents spilt and her dad took her the town of Wilsonville, Oregon.

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