Chapter seven

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It was the day Tori finally realized who she actually liked. Britain wasn't in school that day because she was sick. Tori decided she was going to stand in the hall near the sports wall and listen to her music until the A period bell rung. Once the bell rang she walked around the halls, listening to her music. She passed by a group of girls talking and she over heard them saying "Isn't it funny how you never notice someone who is noticing you because your too busy noticing someone else?"  Tori took that to the heart and kept that as a daily quote she would always remember. "Isn't it funny how you never notice someone who is noticing you because your too busy noticing someone else." Tori thought to herself. She walked into class and sat next to Miguel. They talked about how it was the last day before Christmas break and what they would be doing for Christmas. Mr. Howard had group work set up for everyone. "Okay so in group one I want Tori, Miguel, Brandon and Nathan." Mr. Howard said. Tori was so happy Nathan was in her group. She denied the happiness though. While mr. Howard chose the other groups, Tori's group set up desks in the back of class. Miguel and Tori sat across from Brandon and Nathan as they faced each other, preparing for their group work. The assignment was passed out and Tori's group went right to work. She looked up and Nathan was smiling at her. She loved his smile. He didn't show much teeth when he smiled,
But it was enough for Tori. Brandon and Nathan had to get up to get lined paper for the group. "Girl I seen the way he smiled at you, and you like him so stop denying it!" Miguel said. "I don't know, something tells me it's not going to be worth it." Tori replied. "What do you mean?" Miguel asked. Nathan came back and Tori looked back at her work. The teacher called Miguel up to show him his term one grade. Brandon's friend Cory, called him over to show him a funny text
Message. It was just Nathan and Tori at their table. "So Tori, what are your plans for the future?" Nathan asked. "Well I wanna go to college and be an author or nurse. How about you?" She asked. "Go to college to play football and who knows, maybe be a professional." He said with a smile. She smiled back. "I wish you luck." Tori said continuing to smile. "You too short stuff." He said with a wink. The butterflies came back and a blush creeped onto Tori's cheeks. "Quick question." Tori said. "What's up?" Nathan asked. "Any future advice for me?" She asked. "Yeah actually I do. Expect the unexpected." He said. "Simple and to the point I see." Tori replied. "A lot of stuff happens that you don't necessarily expect or want to happen, but when it does, you have to think positive because once that unexpected thing happens, something else unexpected comes along." He said. "Well thank you." She said with a smile. "No problem." He said, showing a little blush. The end of class came and Tori walked to B period, thinking of Nathan.

Lunch time came and she sat with Blair, Miguel and Melissa. "So how's the Alex situation?" Tori asked Melissa. "He is finally leaving me alone, he's talking to some other girl now." Melissa laughed. "Speaking of the devil." Blair said. We looked at the other end of the cafeteria and there was Alex walking in with his friends. "Whatever." Melissa said eating her cheeseburger. Second lunch was almost over so Tori had to get ready to leave. She went into the hallway and played on her phone. She felt someone slowly pushing into her on purpose. She looked up and it was Nathan. She slowly pushed his arm away and laughed. Through a crowd of people, he looked back as he walked and gave her a smile. That's when Tori finally realized how much she liked Nathan.

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