Chapter four

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It was mid November. Thursday morning came and when Tori woke up she had received a text message. "Hey I won't be coming to school today, I'm getting my braces taken out." The text from Britain said. Tori replied "ok" and got dressed. When she got to school, she met up with her friends Miguel and Daryl. They were best friends and neighbors since they were six. Daryl wasn't that tall, he was around 5"6' and he had dark hair with green eyes. He was someone you would call a comedian for sure. Being somewhat on the nerdy side, he knew everything if you asked him a question. Miguel, was very sweet. He was what you would call "on the feminine side". He was friends with all the girls and very funny. He had a good sense of humor and fashion.  He had darkish hair and he wore glasses sometimes. "Are you ready for that algebra exam today?" Miguel asked. "Yeah I studied so hard so I hope it pays off." Tori replied. "Atleast you don't have biology A period. It sucks donkey ass." Daryl laughed. Tori laughed and the A period bell rang. She walked with Miguel to A period. When she walked in, she sat at her desk and took out her pencil for the exam. About 3 minutes later, everyone was in class. Except miles. Of course. During the exam, miles walked in with Steven. Mr. Howard let out a big sigh of anger. Miles looked at him. "Sorry?" He said. "Did you forget we had an exam today?" Mr. Howard asked. "Nope." Miles laughed sitting down. Mr. Howard took out an exam to give to miles and Steven. He looked over and saw miles texting on his phone. "Miles! That's enough!" Mr. Howard lightly shouted. "Sorry sir." He said sarcastically. "Do you take school as a joke?" Mr. Howard asked crossing his arms. Tori peered her eyes over. "Britains missing out." She thought. "I think this is a load of crap honestly. Everyday I asked for a damn drink and can never get one and you always take my phone away and I'm always getting yelled at in this fucking class!" Miles said standing up. Tori's heart began to pound. "You need to learn better manners young man, now, you can leave or I will call administration and have you removed." Mr Howard said calmly pointing to the door. "Good, I'm not coming back either." Miles said walking out. "Fine with me." Mr. Howard said going back to his desk. Miles left the class, slamming the door behind him. Everyone looked at each other and laughed. Tori's eyes widened and she saw as Nathan was laughing with Steven. At the end of class, Tori took out her phone and texted britain, telling her what happened. Tori walked to her B period class and passed by Nolan. He smiled at her, giving a head nod. She smiled back. Some light came into that day. The day was a drag though. Knowing miles wasn't going to be in her class anymore sucked. She still hoped to see him in the hallways though. When last period came, Tori kept staring at the clock because she wanted to go home so bad. The class actually went by quick, thank goodness. When Tori got up, she walked to the doors to wait until the bell rang in the next two minutes. She felt something hit her butt. She turned around. "He threw a pencil at your ass." Adrian said pointing to Ryder. "What! No! It was Adrian I swear!" Ryder said jerking back with a smile. "Okay so who really threw it?" Tori asked crossing her arms. "Adrian!" Ryder laughed. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" Tori asked. "Nah." Adrian laughed. "They broke up last night but got back together this morning so you do have a girlfriend you ass." Ryder said. "Shut up." Adrian said. When the bell rang, Tori walked out of class and was walking right next to Nolan. She peered her eyes over and he was trying not to smile. She blushed and kept walking. She got into her moms car and talked about how her day went. When they drove off, Tori looked over and saw Nathan staring at her while they left. She made eye contact with him until her mother drove away, passing by him. Tori felt something in her heart. It began to pound faster and butterflies fluttered throughout her stomach. She shook her head quickly. "You okay?" Her mother laughed as they pulled into the fast food drive through. "Oh nothing, miles got kicked out of my algebra class." Tori shyly laughed. "Oh boy..." Her mother said shaking her head. Her mom ordered at the drive through and Tori just looked out the window. She saw the sky and saw that it's color was abnormal, in a pretty way. Nathan crossed her mind for some reason but this time she didn't get butterflies. Suddenly, a yellow butterfly slowly fluttered passed the drivers side window.

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