Sluts and trading insults

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Hey Everyone,

I am soo happy. I have readers :)) i never thought i would get any so soon. If you guys comment letting me know your feelings/ opinions/ emotions. I want to dedicate this to my two younger sisters for reading through my ideas and for their support. Iwould love to dedicate my next chapter to the reads i do have if you guys let me know who you are i would very much appriciate it.




  Sunlight drifted through my window as I was getting changed making me grateful for my ability to stay up odd hours after arriving home late from my run. I was up early so I had already done the pack’s washing and hung it out. I Today I chose a tight black t-shirt and some baggy jeans which underneath hide my weapons. The weapons I have been making since I was twelve. I mean I may not be able to shift but I knew how defend myself. I taught myself a lot of things like making weapons and karate just to defend myself. I was the freak of the pack they did not care that human men were trying to pick me up on my walk from school or to work. Nor did the pack ever care what I did with my time so I spent it in the library or cleaning for the pack or working.  Working gave me the money to make the weapons I learnt about in the library.  The weapons were for my safety. I did not use them on pack members (hello I want to live to see my next birthday) and never used the on humans unless they try to attack me after work. Walking down the stairs to leave I saw another skank leave Sampson’s room. She glowered at me for what felt like forever then plastered a pretty little smile on her face and knocked on Sampson’s door “ baby I forgot my thong, you seen it?”. I had to leave I did not need to hear this. I t was bad enough that no matter how many time he hurt me I was still stupid enough to stay and put up with it. Why could I not be smarter???  Grabbing an apple I walked out the door praying because I was too much of a wimp to die that something would kill me. I could feel him with her again. I could barely walk for the pain. When he had his orgasm I doubled over in pain tears streaming down my face. I knew the moment he got off how sick was it.  The one who is supposed to love me is the one causing me so much pain with his enjoyment of other women.

 So many of them, it did not seem to matter what species you where sluts attract other sluts and males. The bell has just finished and half the cohort is still outside. As I was making my way into the school grounds when someone walks in front of me. As I look up I get a face full of cleavage shaking my head I take a step back then try to step around Jamie but she side steps and is right in front of me again. Jamie is the school slut. She like inter-species sex and can barely keep her legs closed to sit down despite the extremely tight and short skirts she wears. Like most werewolf females Jamie is extremely (she is nearly 6’ yeah she is nearly as tall as most human males ever get) and has a model figure (modelling being an occupation that is dominated by werewolves and vampires. It’s funny actually it’s about the only thing that both species can do and get away with being rivals and bitches to each other as long as they do it civilly and they don’t expose their races) that I envy like most of the human females do. Her hair is this incredible mix reddish tones and strawberry blond and blond streaks as much as I dislike her there is no way I can say that she’s not beautiful. I would kill to have her creamy acne free pale skin, it’s not like she is as white as a sheet but it’s more like the colour cream like white but different. You know how people like that have freckles well she does not and then there are her eyes. I know I sort of sound like I am in love with her in a creepy way but I don’t. I hate her, I envy her and wish to be her not that I would ever let her know that. Mostly I wish I was her, so normal and actually pretty and just to have Sam look at me I would give everything I own let alone look at me with the lust I saw when she went back to him for her underwear. I could see the slight tinged of red flushing her cheeks clearly I zoned out from her ranting about me being in the way and a waste of space bringing me back into reality

                “You know freak, you’re less than nothing I don’t understands why you have your hopes pinned on a beta. I mean come on an omega would be a step up for you but nooo you have this delusions that he would ever be anything to you.”     “I don’t know what you mean Jamie” trying to play it hope that she will just let me pass and continue with my crappy excuse of a life   “Don’t try lying to me freak! I know all about you weird obsession with Beta Sam. I honestly don’t think you know that we can all see it. You follow him like a little puppy with your eyes and act all hurt when Sam and I have sex. Oh and by the why since you are never going to know HE’S AMAZING in the sack”  she turns leaving me momentarily stunned then all of a sudden I open my big mouth and this comes out of my mouth

 “Oh Jamie I may be a freak and that will never change but I have more natural beauty and class than you will ever have and more intelligence in my nail of my little finger than you will ever muster even with all the before and after school tutoring your supposed to do. I mean come on even pups as young as five have higher IQ’s than you do” a rapid come back from Jamie did not surprise me at all she resorted to the only thing she could “Well if you have more natural beauty and class why does Sam want to banished from the pack for creeping him out ?? Oh that’s right because you’re a freak that even the nerdy humans don’t want to do you let alone a freaking hot beta, ha no come back that’s right! Ha”   

“HAHAH crap bag yeah you Jamie like I said to stupid realise you only get to say shit like that when they don’t reply. Oh and I see that your too stupid to realise that then you are not smart enough to protect yourself from diseases. You do not that just because you are a werewolf does not stop you from getting diseases. You know you’re not the only one Sam slept with in the last two days and I know that being the slut you are that you have been with that many people that you would have no clue who would be father of your pup. Yeah that’s right doing talk trash about the person who cleans your trash stupid bitch because I sure as hell know nearly every one of your secrets you dirty pig!!”

 Walking off leaving Jamie and her gang speechless was the most exhilarating thing I have ever done. In the school I could see the other wolves from our pack giving me dirty looks but hey that was nothing new. Getting to my locker I open it and see the most beautiful ring sitting on the ledge. At first it’s like I am transfixed on the ring. The ring is calling to me, I mean I know being a werewolf that you would think I would know about thing like magic but if there was such a thing as magic I would already know about it and used it to remove myself from this situation. No the ring’s not calling to me it can’t be it must be my lack of sleep. When I snap out of my reprieve from reality I figure that the ring must belong to someone less. Someone must have got lost when looking for the real owner’s locker placing the ring in mine instead. I grab the ring along with my books for my first couple of classes and walk to the principle’s office. Stepping into the office I give my greetings realising that people where there. The image of Sam and Levi than sink into my brain and I freak out, I don’t want to be anywhere near them.        “Sorry sir to disturb you and your business but I don’t feel comfortable hold on to this ring til you have finished. It looks too expensive, I found in my locker so I figured the real owner must be looking for it. Hearing the boys I look over at them in confusion I mean the ring is beautiful but it’s not something I thought the guys would notice. I then turn to notice the principle with a shocked face. The principle is a member of the pack so I find out the ring belongs to Alpha levi’s great many time grandma and he was planning on giving it to his girlfriend rather than his luna and that it was stolen. This crap just has to happen to me I had an awesome moment to only get so much shit and Levi might talk it easy on me being his cousin not that he would tell anyone that but no this I am not sure what the heck he will do to me .

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