chapter 10

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My training was intense I was up at four every morning running in my human form to get to the pack house at five. Meet up with Nathan the pack trainer and one of the best warriors ever. Being the best he could see my potential even as just a human. It had been a couple of months before their healer noticed something different in me. I felt stronger, closer to my wolf and sometimes we would come so close to being one for the stress of the work outs and training it was amazing.  Running along the river dividing the packs I could not help but think back to before my mark and how much fun I had with my cousin Levi. He was older than me and had another friend but he let me play with them.  His friend did not like me but that was ok because Sam was not my friend. He may not have liked me but he did include me in the games they played and explained some of the rules for me. He was funny and grew into a caring young man. I remembered one time when I was eleven and running from dad after breaking his model airplane I felt him grab me and drag me to the river to hide out. He did not let me go home until it was dark and had made me spill the beans of what I had done.  He even came with me to my dad’s office and helped me to be brave and explain everything to dad. It all changed on my thirteenth birthday party when I stripped off my shirt and short to reveal a bikini mum had just brought me and everyone saw my mark. There was a loud gasp coming from all the older people and I turned to look at Levi and Sam. I was confused and didn’t understand until Sam so eloquently put it                               “You’re a freak your mark won’t stay still it keeps changing.” After that Sam avoided me and it hurt but then everyone but my parents and Levi called me names and Levi would pick me up after Sam pushed me down. One day Levi was not there and Sam pushed me and beat me up when I was down on the dirt my tears flowing freely he told me to stay down because I was worthless than the dirt below me. That brought me to my full understanding; I could no longer look at my pack because I was nothing to them.  A scream of horror snapped me out of my reminiscing. It was too far away so I had to run faster. I don’t know why but I felt like I had to help so I ran in the direction of the scream talking to my wolf til I let her take over.  I did not stop or feel the pain of shifting for the first time because my wolf and I were too focused on stopping the danger happening north of us.  It was across the river but that didn’t bother me, I had to save the young girl. As I neared I saw her, she was a seventeen year old shifting for the first time. My wolf and I walked over to her and nagged her. She was no longer alone, I talked to her wolf explaining to Renee that she had to let her wolf take over they were there to protect us from others and to take over when we had no strength left to fight, to trust her wolf.  She transformed into a small she-wolf with chocolate fur and green eyes.  Just then I turn to see a pull pack of wolves the alpha had power radiating off him then he ordered me to shift. Walking behind I tree I changed back to my human form waiting for clothes to be given to me. When they did the alpha asked what I was doing on Red Blood River pack land and I answered with the truth.  Renee stood up and backed me up. He could not get his head around how I could help her transform when only alphas and mates help with the first shift and I was neither, until I pulled up my shirt revealing my mark. He like Alpha Trey knew the story behind my mark but the surprising thing was so did most of his pack. I was invited to study with their pack as they were one of the most strategic packs around. After agreeing I departed with new friends and gratitude to express to Alpha Trey.

Running in my wolf form back to Green wood pack’s house I was greeted by most of the pack in a nasty way, I stepped behind a tree then shifted back changing into the clothes given to me by RBR. I look to Alpha Trey and Nathan smiling at me. Their grins were so big they almost fell off their faces.  I stepped forward and told my first accepting  pack that I would always love them and I would be back to visit but I needed to move on to become the werewolf Alpha trey indicated I could one day be. I really wanted to be that werewolf, caring and strong and most of all respectful and accepting. I studied with the RBR pack but decided it was time to go back to my shack before moving on to another pack with letters from both packs

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