The party

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Ashley POV

He held me bridal style all the way down the mountain. I felt so much comfort in his arms I heard he heartbeat in my ear so steady and strong. My own heartbeat fell into time with his. As we arrived at the pack house I realise so much has changed since I left.

Alpha Levi had found his Luna. He balanced out him out and brought fun and comfort into pack life. She was the one I heard that pushed him to take the other packs in. We are all attending a Family styled BBQ party of sorts in honor of those who lost their lives and celebrate the homecoming of those of us caught.

Sam placed me gently on my feet fully expecting me to run. I could see it in his eyes and it hurt but I was here for the long haul if he lets me prove it so I will show him.

Everyone sat at long picnic tables. It was sad to see them congregating in there pack groups again because this was my family and I wanted to see them all mix. this was a perfect opportunity for members to find their mates. It left me lost to because I did not belong to a pack but to all of them. where to sit with out showing a favour to a particular pack would be hard. In the end I figured I would mind link all alpha's and explain that I needed this time with my mate.

He was a hero putting his life on the line for those he did not know. Showing his worthiness as a beta and as a man. He deserved to know I appreciated his sacrifice and the truth about my feelings.

Getting a plate of food I went and sat beside Sam. Alpha Trey then spoke " I would like to thank Alpha Levi and Luna Rachael for providing board and food for everyone at this time and for throwing this celebration for us"

A round of applause rang out. This was the time to speak if ever one. Standing butterflies swarmed in my stomach as I looked down at Sam, I addressed the crowd "thank you all for working together to save myself and other. it was such a selfless thing to do and shows such traits found in the greatest of people. I have spent some time with many of the packs here so must of you know me and my story but for those who don't know I am Ashley and I left my original pack because I have a strange mark and felt unloved. Each pack took me in and showed me a love that as a community we don't often feel. Each had amazing skills and passed that knoweldge on to me because of that love. I would love for us to be more open to the packs around us because there is so much love and skill waiting in those arms. I will not be visiting an more pack for the time being because I need to practice what I preach. I need to stop lying to myself saying I am fine with leaving my mate now I have meet him again or lying saying that it does not kill me not showing him the love I have for him. He deserves my love and time but if any of you need me please contact me at anytime or better yet come to me because while I love my mate you are all my family!".


Having her in my arms was amazing I felt complete and my wolf was howling in delight. He had waited so long for her and I screwed it making him wait longer. When it came time to set her on her feet I was really reluctant to do so because she had every right to run again. It hurt !

Setting her down she looked up at me and part of my soul breed a piece if hope from that look. Then she left, I felt like crying despite the fact as a beta I should be stronger. Then as I say across from Levi I got the surprise of my life as she sat to my right. The place my beta female would sit. I rejoiced inside.

After hearing her speech I wanted to drag her way and mate her. I controlled myself. As she sat down I stood and thanked everyone for saving my light in the darkness. I explained how I missed my light because I had only ever know the darkness and for the fact they had looked after her and loved her when I was to blind to do so was the next greatest blessing the moon goddess bestowed upon me and thanked them. They were now my family because they placed their lives on the line for what was mine. I went on to kneel in front of my better half "Ashley, I know I failed you but would you give me a chance to answer your hearts desires and to hold your hand when life gets hard. You make me want to be the wolf and man worthy of you and while that my take our life time, I hope you give me that chance. "

Her answer thrilled me....she said YES!!

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