Catori (chapter eight )

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Hey Guys,

Before I up to the  story up I just wanted to say thanks to everyone reading this story. Its a bit long winded but I am so excited so thank you all so. I can not express how happy I am I thought my story wouldn't be read. I would love to hear from you and what you think should happen or how feel even if its negative because it will give the encouragement to fix what's wrong

Thank you soo much



Trey answered with “Yes little one. But it’s also much more than that! There is an old legend about Catori little one”

In the beginning there was wolves, humans and werewolves. The goddess blessed with different strengths. The wolves that were and are still good at the hunt. The humans on the other hand grew their food and watched the wolves, waiting for them to hunt for them. The humans stole their prey and the wolves decided that what they caught belonged to them. We were all separated because the wolves and humans could not live together. The wolves stole food from the humans and they had no way to communicate and had no understanding of how the world worked. We being supior understood that the wolves were cunning and wild. They would never hunt for the humans the humans in the south with the warmth and good soil midlands for our kind and the north belonged to wolves. We were the barrier and interpreters and peace keepers.  For the first century it worked but then the draught hit the south. The amount of food then became limited, humans became desperate and where dying so they began poaching from the wolves and even killing our pack members.  So many having the poor fate or meeting Adlivun the god of the underworld. Mother Goddess then contacted our people through the spiritual planes which we reach when we sleep. In the dreamtime she spoke of defending our brothers and sisters. How they were cunning but could not defend themselves without us. The humans were being selfish which is why when they killed more wolves we stepped in. it was or duty to protect both sides the human maker would not be happy if too many passed on. 

As a way to solve the conflict each pack sent there best fighter to impress the humans and to show if they started a war we were ready for them, after the little demonstration the games began. We fought humans, their dogs, wolves just prove that we were worthy of them. Werewolf Apenimonas was the Alpha of the strongest pack of the time the silver wolf pack. They were known to have two weaknesses their mates and wolfs bane.  Once the games had concluded a woman steps forward and pats Apenimonas’s wolf unafraid. Taking in her courage he realised this was all for him to meet this powerful human priestess. Most human’s feared Catori because of her power although she was nothing but good. She was their saviour and they realised that.  She became part of the peace treaty. Her power knew few boundaries.

Catori was strongest when she communicated with the great spirits. It was her main gift along with the ability move faster than other humans and could swim like a fish not that the humans knew this. Catori was a never too trusting in humans but she trusted Apenimonas (A/N: in Native American it means worthy of trust) with everything. After a coupling with her mate Catori got a message from the spirits that one day that their child would be the beginning of peace and one day a descendent of theirs would hold linage from all the packs of the time which would one day be old, powerful and large. This pleased Apenimonas; even though he was a strong fighter and a strong alpha he preferred peace and happiness.  This news was spread far and people began to fight saying that at the time of peace that the child would rise from their pack causing conflict. This conflict caused much distress for Apenimonas, hating seeing her mate in some much anguish she asked mother goddess to bless a ring made of a single component from each pack so that when the child arrived there would be no mistake. Long after Catori passed the ring went missing but then every couple of generations there would be a werewolf with an ever changing mark. The priests came together to pray for guidance as what to do with the child. My Kenoo'o (A/N: it’s said Kuh-newt and it means his grandfather from his father’s side) was there praying one day for a child like you and he heard the goddess say that this child is not it but his great grandchild will be the peace bringer. It was your great- grandfather’s duty to find his mate and be a healer of her pack. Each child with that mark hide their mark and from suspicion. It has been so long since there has been a mark like yours. My pack has been waiting for your arrival. You are to bring peace among the werewolf community because each pack has blood running through your veins and because of the powers you will eventually possess to bring us together so we can win the war with the hunters that are coming.

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