Sam's P.O.V

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                The pain was too intense, I tried to speak but only silence greeted me rather than the command to stop.  My mate. How could I have forgotten? , how could I hurt her so much and now fail do to do what a mate should protect the other from harm! Falling to my knees the pain was consuming my body looking over I see her taking all of their hits and horrible words and not cry out. She took the beating with more everything than she had a right to have. Her face was starting to swell and blood dripped and gushed from various parts of her body, her blond hair a dirty brown with red from blood matting to her skull. Then a wave of pain engulfs me the darkness beings to become too strong to fight off. I wanted to fight it, I wanted to save her, to apologise and try for the rest of my life to make up the pain I caused her.  I heard her as the darkness descended screaming for them to save me. She was my better half after all the horrible things I did to her and mostly sleeping with other girls I could see her pain and yet I did it again the next night without fail. I tried to forget her and punish her for being fated to me and yet she was begging them to stop to help me. I was lost after that round of pain.

Waking up I felt like I would rather be six feet under because I could barely breathe and my body hurt almost too much.  I heard Levi’s footsteps under the wails from unknown pack members, knew they were Levi because no one of the face of this planet could jump three of the pack house steps or how he was heavier on the tips of his toes than he was on flat feet.  Turning my head to the sound hurt but then so did everything?  The door slowly opened and Levi conferred a pack member bout my health. He must have turned to see my head turning to the sound.     “Sam, bud you need to getter fast man. There have been threats from hunters and I miss you man. I never knew, I should have known man why did I not know that she was yours and she was special. She is crazy special man. You knew and you let me believe she was some creep chick with an obsession but she was not. She’s your mate. SHE’S YOUR MATE. How could you do that man to yourself and to her? We all knew she was different and I guess I get how you could treat her like that you have always been scared of change but man that punishment was over the top and unfair, she left man. When you needed her most she left you probably because what you put her through. You know that she strong. That each time you slept around killed a little bit of her soul, that it’s said that the pain of one infidelity can kill, man.  I know you did not know this because neither did I. Sam she was so smart man, she had all these books about pack line and history and a whole bunch of other stuff. Man we need you to wake up. Seriously that ring that I accused her of stealing, there is a legend that no one in my family knew and she been reading this stuff all along.” He paused my heart dropped  in my chest I knew she was special and I always took it out on her and I knew she was strong but I didn’t know I could have killed her I knew it would hurt but god I could have killed her,  her strength  is more than most  werewolves and she couldn’t shift. My heart was almost not strong enough to take it, she left. My wolf howling in my head worse than ever before he was heartbroken with the fact she left he has not talked to me for the longest time the only way I could get him out was to tell him it was to train or run so that I could protect her when the time came but in reality I was the one killing her.  My wolf was taking over he said that I was no longer in charge he was going to wake up and get her and love her more than anyone on the face of the planet.

Two months later…

I finally got back to my normal state and back on the job. When I was not doing my job as beta I was looking for her.  I think I may have found her.  She was smart I went through all the packs that we were allied with first looking for her then it struck me when I was nearly done that our pack hurt  her really bad and she had no friends within the pack so why go to our allies but go to the strongest pack that was close. This lead me to greenwood pack it was not that far away. They were not enermies but we were not closely allied mainly because of our history.  I tried to get in contact with Alpha trey but he would not see me.

Three months later…

It has been too long since I have seen her, my wolf is going insane. He dies a little every day we can’t find her.  Going back to visit Alpha Trey to see if he could tell me anything about her or if she has been here. Driving back to my pack land I saw this little shack it has been recently fixed up and for some reason I felt drawn to it. I dove my car around the back and when in to see why.  As I stepped in I knew she had been here recently. The walls painted yellows and greens her favourite colours and the rooms where warm and filled with love.  Her sent is in the air.  I was so surprised with the fact I had finally found her and my wolf was jumping up and down going wild with in me. I had to wait for her to come here again but I did not care I will wait I want a chance to get her back I did not know how much I could love her or how I missed her.  I miss her and it kills me to think I may never get a chance because of my own behaviour. I just have to make her see that I need her and love her more than myself.

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