The Proof

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They did it, there here to save us. My eyes were almost glued shut so I could not see properly. I could hear one of our kind running close to where we were being kept. Then I smelt our first rescuer. I could not believe it... it was Sam!! From my discussion with the other Alphas I knew Levi was quiet resistant to apart of this. From what the others told me because none of his members were missing he was not getting involved other than housing the packs.

It turns out that he did not want to lose his pack because they are a smaller and weaker pack. Sam disobeying his Alpha's orders.

He appeared and he looked in my direction with wounded eyes. My heart broke in that moment. I really never thought that it was possible for it to hurt anymore than it already had, after all the tears I shed, the nights looking at the moon wondering why and now from one look I hurt all over again.

Sam was ripping the silver alloy cages apart with his bare hands. Freeing others and help calming them down before opening other cages. The more cages he opened the more you could smell the burning flesh and the pain was visible in his eyes. It hurts me seeing him in pain but I was super happy that he was putting others first. He was acting the way any good Alpha or Beta should act!

Alpha Trey and others arrived taking more care than Sam by putting gloves on to open the cages. As soon as Sam saw everyone else he came to my cage. "Sam, stop" with that he looked broken something I never ever wanted to see. He was about to turn and walk away so I opened my mouth and explained why"Sam, your hurt, look at your hands and arms. They are covered in angry red marks, please put gloves on I don't want you hurt further!".

Alpha Trey came over handing his gloves to Sam. After opening the cage he gave me his hand to get out which I immediately took. I may have run from him before but not because I did not want him but because I was so afraid that he was back to tell me he had found the female he wanted to mate with. I was no long afraid of that because I loved him and being trapped here I realized I do anything I had to get him back because he is my mate and I loved him.


I smelt her as soon as I arrive to the area. My wolf was going nuts he wanted her out and in our arms. Our eyes connected it was a moment that I would forever thank the moon goddess for. It was what I expected when I was younger thinking I did not know who my mate was. Looking at her I realized the beauty I rejected, on the outside as well as the inside. To prove to her I was worthy of the inner beauty she carried I began opening cages. As I was opening the cages my skin started to sizzle and pain going up my arms. I can't stop there too many wolves to stop. Alpha Trey and the others arrived I ran to open her cage. My wolf had been whine at me to get her out. He really did not like seeing her caged up. Offering her my hand I was hoping. I really kinda hoping she would at least not flitch. She actually grabbed my hands. The sparks were flight. After she came out she surprised me by asking me to carry her down the mountain. It was amazing and I think it leads me to thinks there was some hope for us!

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