Naegi x Reader - How could this be?

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Warning: If you haven't seen the whole of Danganronpa 1 then there will be spoilers in this chapter.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Now you may continue. 

"It wasn't me!" The words panicked and desperate rung out throughout the room as Naegi's face appeared and the words GUILTY captioned it. But surely I was seeing things. . . 

"Naegi. . .did you really kill Mukuro?" Asahina sounded, looked and was definitely frightened. How could she be afraid of Naegi? 

"NO! That's wrong! I'm telling you it wasn't me!" Both me and Naegi looked around the room only to be greeted with doubtful faces.

But how could this be? Surely Maizono's case and all the others had proved that Naegi would never-could never commit murder! Then again, trust wasn't something that could be found easily in a place like Hope's Peak Academy. . .

Finally our eyes met each other and I knew in that moment that whatever the truth was Naegi wasn't a killer.

"Y/N. . .please tell me that you believe me. . . don't say I'm a murderer. . . PLEASE!" He wasn't his bright and cheerful self, he wasn't hopeful, and his eyes told me he wasn't looking to the future. He had given up on a such a seemingly impossible and hopeless dream.

"I-I believe you Naegi, I always will no matter what. . ." My voice was quiet as if I wasn't sure what I was saying but I truly meant every word.

The very moment the words left my mouth though, Naegi rushed towards me and hugged me tightly as if he would never hold me again. . . but. . .hang on. . .

Slowly tears fell from my e/c orbs as the reality of what was happening hit me. Naegi really wouldn't hold me like this again. 

Every time we had faced the bodies of our dead friends, Naegi had held me close to him and had told me so kindly and gently that everything would be alright. That we would get out of this horrible place together. . .however. . .

Naegi wasn't going to escape! . . .Everything would never be alright!! . . . Naegi would never hold me like this again!!!

Reluctantly we let go of each other. There were still so many things we had to say to each other and all in such little time. . .

Naegi looked down at the floor as if there was some kind of hope to hold onto but upon seeing nothing but the ironic black and white tiles he stared into my despairing eyes, piercing them with his grey-green orbs.

"Y/N. . .even if this is the end for me I won't leave you in despair. I am going to hold onto the hope that you will live. I will not despair! I will not lose hope! I will believe in you as you have in me!" 

He was back. . .he was hopeful again and in the darkest hour of all times. . .I felt joy and hope at the sight of my beloved Ultimate Lucky - no 

My beloved Ultimate Hope.

My joy started to fade though when I remembered why he was saying such things.

"Naegi, I don't know how I am going to carry on without you. . how can I trust everyone else. . .they condemned you after all!"

"This isn't their fault Y/N. It's the masterminds. You can't forget that." His voiced was determined and strong but his jaw was set. I knew he was stopping himself from cracking and it was breaking my heart. . .

"Stop trying to spread your pointless hope, it's annoying" Monokuma's careless and impatient voice set fear into me. Not yet, please I'm not ready to say goodbye, not yet!

"I'm going to enjoy your punishment Makoto Naegi! Now come on lets get started!" Monokuma seemed to be filled with glee and excitement while Naegi - despite his best efforts - was turning purple and he was sweating bullets.

"Well, I'm sorry we can't escape together Y/N. . ." Naegi wore a bittersweet smile that broke a part of you.

"Just know that I'll be cheering for you with all my love."

"Naegi. . ."

"Sorry, that was a bit cheesy. . . now lets get this over with. . ." He turned his back on me as tears of pure pain scared my face.

"Don't go. . ." I barely whispered. 

"Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for Makoto Naegi, The Ultimate Lucky Student!

Lets give it everything we've got! It's. . . PUNISHMENT TIIME! 

Naegi's sprite was dragged away kicking and screaming by a smiling Monokuma:

Without warning, everyone found themselves staring onward at Naegi as he sat in a chair and stared at a blackboard which a Monokuma dressed as a teacher pointed at. All the while this little setting was being rolled toward a giant crusher by a conveyor belt.

The loud thumping of the crusher growing in volume constantly. I had to watch, I had to stop myself from looking away. This would be the last time I saw him alive after all.

Naegi was almost right beneath the crusher at this point and the knowing looks we gave each other said it was time.

                                       "Goodbye. . .Y/N. ."                      "Goodbye Naegi"


In a matter of seconds he was gone. The one person I loved most. The one person I trusted most. Was gone. Leaving nothing but memories behind.

"How could this be?" was all I could think as my heart shattered into oblivion.

It's official. This broke me. But I hope your happy darkrainbows8

Now I'm going to stop procrastinating and lift the curse on me which is homework. Save me Four Dark Devas of Destruction! 

Points if you get the reference  ;)

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