Chihiro x Reader - Believe in yourself

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Requested by DenielleLouiseDiosoA and mastermind_rin 


"Impossible. . .never. . .NO!" The words repeated over and over in my head. 

"Chihiro can't be the killer. . .r-right? You're not a killer are you Chihiro?" 

He looked away from me quickly. . .why does he look guilty? . .He hasn't done anything wrong. . .he couldn't have. . .

"Chihiro?" I looked at him desperately. This kind-hearted boy who had tried to be polite to even the scariest of people like Togami and Mondo. . .this kind-hearted boy couldn't kill! 

I was - I was sure - I -

I was almost sure of it. . .

As I argued with myself Chihiro's voice snapped me back to dreadful reality.

"Y/N. . .I-I murdered. . .I'm sorry but. . .I don't deserve your trust so. . .stop saying such nice things about me!" Tears were brimming in his eyes which had started to grow dull with despair.

Upon hearing those words I realized. . . I didn't know anything about Chihiro. . .not really anyway. I didn't know he was a boy until a few minutes ago. I didn't know he could murder and from the look in his cinnamon coloured eyes I didn't know he hated himself so much. . .

Chihiro was now on the floor crying. Just seeing his tears made me want to cry, not to mention the sounds of his sobs that resonated throughout the creepy room.

I went down onto my knees and hugged him softly to comfort him.

"I'm sorry Chihiro. . .but you're a wonderful person and despite everything you may have done I can't change the way I see you. . .and I don't regret meeting you."

His tiny hands tightened their grip on me as I spoke. Even now he was still so adorable and seemed so innocent. . .if only that was the truth though. . .then I wouldn't have to confront what was going to happen all too soon. . .

His execution.

"Y/N. . .you've always been kind to me but. . .I don't deserve it. . .I'm shy, I don't stand out, I'm weak and I'm a murderer! Why are you still treating me like this. . ." 

That little speech blew me away. . . he really did feel unworthy. . .he really did hate himself. . .how could someone as brilliant as Chihiro see himself like that. . .my heart was breaking more and more.

"I have to give him confidence. I need him to see how great he is!" That was the only thing I could think of in the moment of Chihiro's despair. . .

"I won't let him fall to despair! I refuse to let that happen!"

I stood up pulling Chihiro with me. I looked him in the eyes with gentle determination and began to say everything I had thought of Chihiro since I had met him.

"Chihiro. I have never, in my entire life met such a sweet, clever, kind, humble, cute, adorable, wonderful and brave person like you. Many people may not be able to see it, but you are a man in my eyes and nothing will ever change that."

He gaped at me in astonishment. "Do you really mean that. . .Y/N?" 

"I wouldn't lie to you Chihiro. . ."

With speed I had never seen before, Chihiro tackled me into a hug. 

"Thank you so much Y/N! I never realized how much I needed to hear those words. . ." A smile complete with happiness and contentment spread across his face along with tears of joy.

I returned the hug and after minutes of staying in that position we both reluctantly let go.

We spared a worried glance a Monokuma to see his paw itching to press the red button that would lead to Chihiro's death.

"Well Y/N, everyone I'm going to face this like a man!" His little face lite up with determination as he started walking to Monokuma.

As he passed me I heard him whisper four words that filled me with hope and bitter despair. . .

"I love you Y/N"

I started crying tears of regret as the little boy that I loved too moved towards his death.

Monokuma roared with glee and enthusiasm. 

"Now then, I've prepared a very special punishment for Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer! 

"Lets give it everything we've got! It's. . . PUNISHMENT TIIME! "

Chihiro was a sprite in an 8-bit side-scrolling game. He ran continuously as monokumas chased after him. They got closer and closer and closer. The gap between Chihiro and the monokumas was almost nothing when. 


The monokumas reached Chihiro and his sprite popped out of existence. Gone forever just like Chihiro himself. . . 

To think it all ended so fast before anyone could do anything. . .

My tears landed silently on the tiled floor as I mourned Chihiro Fujisaki, the boy who would never return. . .


It's been a few days since Chihiro died but hope has started to come back to our ever smaller group. We've found Alter Ego and now I know that Chihiro has returned, if only a part of him has. . . 

What really made me smile though was what Alter Ego said when he first saw me.

"Ah! Y/N, we finally get to meet! Master always said great things about you. . .and he was right, you're unbelievably beautiful!



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