Chapter 5

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Diary entry 5: Jackson

Mark's so cute.

- Jackson

When Jackson woke up that morning, Mark was lying asleep against his chest. Jackson wanted to move away at first but decided against it, enjoying the warmth that Mark released. Jackson smiled slightly. Pushing the hair out of Mark's face, he felt himself smiling wider at the dust of pink spread across Mark's adorable cheeks due to the cold, and snuggled into Mark slightly. He went to hug his waist, and felt bones.

Are they his ribs? Jackson touched them lightly, feeling how prominent they were. His eyes widened. Markie, Markie, Markie...

Mark rearranged himself in his sleep so his face was buried in Jackson's neck, making Jackson blush slightly. He smiled weakly, admiring Mark's beautiful face, before circling his cheeks with his thumbs.

Caught up in Mark, Jackson realised he had forgotten to check the time.

He turned his head to the right, where the clock read 6:45.

Crap. We have to get up at sev-

His thoughts were rudely interrupted when Jinyoung pushed open the door, to wake them up. Running his hands through his hair and hitting his cheeks to wake himself up, he opened his eyes, which widened largely at what he saw before him.

Jackson quickly realised what it must have looked like, and without thinking, jumped out of Mark's embrace and stood up to explain.

"Jinyoung! It's not- we- I couldn't sleep last night so-"

"Jinyoung," Mark voiced from behind, making Jackson turn to face him.

"Y-yes?" Jinyoung replied, confused.

"Jackson couldn't sleep last night, and I thought the comfort of having someone else there would calm him and help him sleep, so we shared my bed last night. I must have hugged him while sleeping. Silly me," Mark chuckled playfully, twisting the story so Jinyoung wasn't mislead.

"Oh," He tilted his head to the side. "Well we're about to leave... we thought you'd gotten up, sorry."

"Its okay, we'll shower there," Jackson smiled and Jinyoung left. "Thank you," He turned to Mark.

"No worries. Was it me hugging you first? I'm sorry if it made you uncomfor-"

"It's fine, Mark," Jackson laughed. "Don't worry about it."

"We should change."

The two dug out some warm clothes as it seemed to be colder that morning.

Now I won't look weird in long sleeves. I love winter, Mark thought to himself.

In the car on the way to dance, Jackson was fed breakfast by Mark. Despite Mark's numerous refusals to eat breakfast himself, Jackson persuaded him to. Mark felt guilty, but happy that he made Jackson smile. I don't know what I'm feeling anymore.

When they arrived at the studio, however, Jungmin looked slightly worrisome.

"I have something to tell you."

The members all looked uneasy, anxious for what was to come.

"Two things, actually. First, we have to prepare and fully choreograph an entire dance by the end of this week, as the JYP concert had to be rescheduled for a month earlier. Weather. This means that you are going to be here from five in the morning until around twelve in the morning, dancing. Your vocal lessons are being switched to eleven in the morning until one."

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