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Nylah and Lucas both woke up hearing the pilot's voice come on saying they were landing in 15 minutes. They were on the jet for about an hour and a half but they passed time by Lucas explaining what they were doing when they land.

Firstly, they were going to the hotel Lucas booked and settle in and get prepared for tomorrow. The next day they would check out and go to Lucas 'home' with his 'family' then later on they would go visit Momma April and the rest of the family. Then maybe go some last minute shopping for gifts for Trey, Forrest, and everyone else. She didn't know if he was buying gifts for his family nor did she question it. As far as she knew they didn't deserve shit.

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked her.

"Tired, excited, hungry" she replied stretching.

"Same here, we'll grab something on the way to the hotel"

"Oh can we get McDonald's? I been craving some apple pies man. Those shits are heaven sent"

"Sure but before we land, I have something I wanna do. Get up"

She stood up along with him and got out the seat. His 6'3 figure towered over her as she looked up at him.

"So I know you think we are moving fast but me doing this may change your mind"

"Lucas what are you talking about?" She questioned.

He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box. Nylah squealed and covered her mouth, the tears falling.

"When I first met you in that office I couldn't get my mind off you. I honestly can't believe I've been wishing I can see you again for about a year now. Then I finally saw you at that event and then dancing with you, then you going to dinner with me and spending the night. I knew then that I wanted you to be mines. The next morning when I came into the room, I almost dropped at the sight of your beauty. Even though we've known each other really for like a week I feel like we've known each other forever. I will admit that I'm partially doing this for this visit and I want to prove my family wrong of their perception of me. I wouldn't be upset if you say no but please say yes, we can get to fully know each other along the way. Because I plan on really making you my wife so Nylah Stone, will you marry me?"

Nylah smiled wiping her tears. She didn't get upset that he was moving fast or the fact that he didn't say those three words. She knew if this wasn't for the visit then he would've still proposed, sometime in the future.

"Yes Lucas" she grinned and watching him slip the huge ring on her finger. She gasped at how heavy it felt and how much diamonds was on it.

When he got up she immediately jumped into his arms kissing him all over his face before sharing a passionate kiss.

"I love it Lucas"

Lucas smiled and kissed her again before they were interrupted by the pilot's voice again telling them they were landing in five minutes. They both sat down buckling up then Nylah took a picture of her ring posting it on instagram.

@nylahstone- I said yes!!! #futuremrsdaniels

Her notifications blew up and she turned her phone off and then laying her head on Lucas' shoulder.


"Welcome to Virginia baby" Lucas said after thanking the crew for a safe flight and walking down the stairs hugging Nylah.

"So where's the car?" she asked. She looked around realizing that there was no car around.

"Should be here innnnnn ah here we go"

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