Chapter 2

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'dumb rich kids' you thought. 



Your P.O.V

It was 3rd period. I got a note in my locker from Kaoru, saying:

Dear Y/N,

Please met me in music room three. I have a club I have to be at, but I figured we could study there. 

Yours Truly

-Kaoru Hitachiin

I'm not gonna lie, it was really hard to find the room in this giant school, but eventually I did. You'll never guess what I saw; I saw 7 boys flirting with a group of girls. I couldn't help but crack up! It was hilarious! I'm not gonna lie, I was rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. I'm surprised no one noticed.

After I finally got my act together, I saw Kaoru flirting with his twin? First off, I didn't even know he had a twin! Secondly, why would he be flirting with him?!?! That's just weird!!!!!!! 

'Hey Kaoru!" I said. 

"Huh? Oh, Hi Y/N!"He said with a smile. I saw that his twin had a look that said Who the hell is this?!?!?  I didn't care that much. He can't break something already broken.

"So what's your favorite kind of cake that you have here?" I asked. He looked at me questionably.

"Umm, I suppose the chocolate cake is pretty good here." He said, thinking hard.

"Ok, go get me tons." I said.

He rushed back with tons of cake. 

"Ok, so whenever you get a question right, you'll get a piece of cake, ok? We'll start with fractions." 

I went over the basics with him, and as time went on he seemed to understand it. After about 15 minutes a guy with black hair and glasses told Kaoru to get back to work. I watched as his twin made fake tears in his eyes saying "Why were you with him?!?! You weren't leaving me were you?!?!" Kaoru replied, "W-what!?! Of course not!!! You're mine, Hikaru." Causing all the girls to blush and squeal.

I could tell that Kaoru, I think that's his name, was not used to not leading the brotherly love thing. 

Before I could leave, a tall blonde boy with purple eyes tapped my shoulder.  "Welcome to the host club! I was thinking you might want to join, sir?" He said, looking me straight in the eyes.

Come to think of it, Hikaru did say 'Why were you with him,' Didn't he? Oh my gosh everyone here thinks I'm a boy! Really?!?! 

"No way Mister!" I said in disgust! 

Suddenly the two twins came all up in my face. "Why not?" They said simultaneously. I saw that Hikaru had a glint of hate in his eyes.

Because they caught me off guard, I stumbled back knocking over a glass mirror. 

"Y/N, that vase was very expensive mirror we were gonna sell at an up coming action, worth about 2,000,000,000,000 ¥ vase. Since your a commoner and the way your dressed, I'm assuming that you have no money and could never afford this, so you can work it off by becoming the host clubs 'Dog'" The guy with glasses said with a sinister smile. 

"Welcome to the host club!" The tall blonde said in a dramatic fashion.

What have I gotten myself into?


Ender (Me): Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever!!! I've just been really busy and stressed. So anyway, If you have-

Hikaru: Any OCs you want to add, just post them in the description!!

Kaoru: Just describe their looks, their gender, their role (bullies are welcome), and their name! You can add their personalities if you want!!!!

Tamaki: Also, Ender wants to know who you want to end up with!!

Honey: Or if you want multiple choice endings!!!!

Mori: Yeah.

Kyoya : Also, let Ender know what you want to see, she'll take requests, unless their lemons, then your out of luck.


Twins: Maaaayyyyybbbbbeeeeeee.......

Ender: I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!!

Ender chases the host club (except for haruhi) around the room

Haruhi: Hey cut it out! Ender works really hard!

Tamaki goes to emo corner 

Ender: Thank you Haruhi! As for you, reader, I'll see you later! Bye for now!

Closed =(

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