Chapter 12

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??? P.O.V:

My life has been amazing since Y/N left it! She was the mole on our perfect street. She was just trash that never got thrown out. I truly hated her. 

She was so annoying! She always played pranks on me (I did better ones), She was always singing on the street (super annoying), and just annoyed me! 

But ever since she left, I've been so happy! Actually, ever since she left, I've been having really good luck! I've got a good boyfriend, I've been even more popular at school (even though I was already at the top of the chain), and my life has just been, well amazing! Plus I'm going to finally be attending my dream school, Ouran! 

I'm starting tomorrow!


Y/N's P.O.V:

Another day at school. You know, I need something new. Maybe not related to boys....

I sat down in my seat in class. There was a buzz of energy going around. I manage to catch "new girl." Maybe this is what I need!

"Class, we have a new student today, her name is Yuri Kita, Yuri why don't you say something about your self?" The teacher said. I felt my eyes widen as I realized who she was, but that slowly turned into a smirk. This was going to be fun.

"Hello class! My name is Yuri Kita! I like cats, bunnies, boys and-" She looked right at me. She looked in shock, and fear. This was going to be soo fun.

"Are you ok?" The teacher asked. 

"Y-yeah. Can I take my seat now?" She asked.

"Ok, go sit next to Hikaru over there." The teacher said. Yuri sat next to Hikaru.

For the rest of the class, she kept staring at me in defeat. 

Time-Skip because I'm lazy...

"Hey Y/N, what was with that girl who kept staring at you?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru soon joined us.

"Oh nothing, say, do you have anything I could use for pranks?" I asked. They grinned. They then grabbed my by the arms and dragged me over to their locker. 

My eyes widened. There was water guns, whoopee cushions, buckets filled with various liquids, glue, feathers, and everything I could ever need.

"Thanks so much!" I said.

I grabbed basically everything in there and dashed off.


So, it's now lunch and I've managed to steal her phone and change all her contact names to "it's a secret", and covered her in feathers. 

Right now I just put a whoopee cushion on her seat. I didn't expect what came next. She had put oil all over the floor right over to my seat, so I was slipping and sliding all the way back to my seat. 

Almost everyone laughed. "Very funny." I said. 

I made my way back to my seat. "Hey, I got an idea." Amy said.

"Go for it." 

"Well, she is now making love eyes at Tamaki, so you should prank her at the host club!"

"Huh, that's a good idea. Thanks amy!"


So, there is  a bucket of feathers and glue just waiting to be poured on her. 

I watch as she walks in. Bingo, I pull the ropes and watch and laugh as it's poured all over her.

She ran away crying. I have no idea why, but I went  to her. 

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked.

"N-NO! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN MY LIFE?!?!" She screamed.

"Yo chill! You ruined mine first."

"What the hell do you mean?!"

"I was homeless and you always made fun of me!" I yelled.

"Wait, you were homeless?" She asked.

"I live in one of the school dorms now."


We sat there in silence. 

"How about we call this off and be friends, ok?" I asked.

She nodded.


Ender: Hole-ly pineapple! 490?! That's pretty much 500! And 500 is half of 1k! We're almost there!

Ender: Sorry this took so long, I was wrapped up in my life. And sorry it was so short, I'm really busy today. But I hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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