Chapter 4

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Y/N's P.O.V:


"Hey Y/N-Chan, want some cake?" Honey asked me with an adorable smile.  I said yes, because, let's be honest, I really like cake. 

Me and Honey talked, while Mori had that far off look in his eye. I wonder what he's thinking about.

It was all very peaceful. Tamaki and the twins hadn't shown up yet,  so most of the fan girls were quiet. Not to mention those 3 cause the most trouble.... 

My peace didn't last forever, though. A group of boys walked in. They came up to Kyoya and asked if they could request me. Oh no. Kyoya, please. You aren't really that cold are you?

"I don't suppose why not."

I hate you Kyoya.

Soon me and the boys sat down.

"S-so Y/N, any hobbies?" One of them asked me. So was I just answer the questions? Seems simple enough. 

"Well, I like to write, draw, and sing I guess." I said, turning away. I don't know why but they all started squealing.   

Then Tamaki and the Twins  came in. Tamaki looked ready to talk to his fan girls, but then he saw me with my guests. "KYOYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS MY DAUGHTER HANGING OUT WITH RANDOM BOYS!?!?!??!?!?!?!" Tamaki yelled while shaking Kyoya.  

"Because they asked and it would improve our profit." He said calmly.

"So, Y/N, what are your parents like?" I whipped my attention back to the boys in front of me. I guess I knew I would have to answer this someday, might as well get it over with now. 

"Oh, they were kind, loving, caring, but gave me discipline when I needed it. They were also rich. You could say they were the best parents I could ever have." I said with a fake smile. Tamaki and Kyoya looked at me with jealousy.  

"I hate to poke around someone else's life, but you said were instead of are. Any reason?" He looked at me with his head cocked to the side.

"W-well, when I was 5 one night and my parents were tucking me into bed when all the lights went off. We heard footsteps. I hid behind my bed, and saw someone come in. In the moonlight I saw her face. She looked crazy and ready to kill. I watched as she killed b-both of my parents violently, and then saw me. I ran out of my house, not looking back till a block away. When I turned back, I saw her kill herself. I decided to keep running. I ran all night until I saw the sun. I saw that I had ran 12 miles into Ouran. I sat down on the street, realizing my fate. Once a rich, happy girl, turned into a broken homeless orphan. To earn money for food, I sang songs and had a plastic cup to keep my money in. When I was old enough, I got a part time job as a waitress, where I still work. One day, when I was singing, the chairman of Ouran Academy. He said I had amazing talent, and wanted me to come to ouran high school on a scholarship. He even gave me a dorm room. Of course I said yes. So yeah, here I am. "  I said as tear escaped my eye. 

"O-oh. I'm sorry for your loss." One of the boys said with pity in his eyes. "It's fine. Don't feel sorry for me, I'm sure you all have problems of your own, right?" I said with a smile on my face, in hopes that he'll feel better.

"Hey, do you mind if we request you next time?" Another boy said. "N-no, not at all!" I said with a smile on face. "Ok, then, see you next time I guess." They said with a smile.

I looked at Tamaki and Kyoya, they took a quick glance at me, then got back to work. I saw no more traces of jealousy, only pity and sadness. I'm sorry, but I don't need someone feeling pity for me. I shouldn't have shown emotion. It was weakness.


Tamaki's P.O.V:

Wow. I didn't know she had it so hard, or that my father did that for someone. I've made up my mind, I'm gonna make this weekend awesome for her!!!!


Y/N's P.O.V:

Time Skip to later. 

Soon I wrapped up all of my hosting, when Amy came up to me. 

"Hey Y/N, want to come over for a sleepover at my house on Friday?" She asked, giving me puppy eyes.

"Ok, I guess." I said. I've never been to a sleepover before.

"Oh, and the host club is coming." She added last minute.

I get the feeling they planed this.


Ender: Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter was a little dark, but I was thinking I should give you a dark side. I'm sorry!  

Ender: Also see how short this description is?

Twins: We can fix that.....

Ender: NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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