Chapter 5 [long one :)]

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I walked over to Amy's house, and wow that thing was HUGE!!!! I'm not kidding. I rang the doorbell.

"Hey Y/N!!! Come on in!!!" Amy greeted me with a big smile. She was wearing a pink night gown.

"Where are your PJ's?" I'm pretty sure the twins popped out of thin air. It was creepy. They were wearing matching blue striped PJs.

"They're in my bag." I said bluntly.

I walked into the grand house. "I'll show you the living room, the host club is waiting there." Amy said, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the living room.

"Hello Y/N!!!!" Tamaki waved to me.

"So, you guys want to play Truth or Dare or something?" Haruhi asked. She was wearing Red Pj bottoms, and a over sized shirt

"What's that?" Everyone asked, except for me and her.

"You ask someone truth or dare, and they pick. If they choose truth, they have to answer a question, no matter how bad. If they pick dare, they have to do something that you ask like 'Crack a egg on your head,' or 'Lick the floor.'" Harhui explained.

"Oh ok." The hosts and Amy said together.

"I'll go First, Tamaki, truth or dare." I said

"Ummm, Dare!" He said, he looked confident. He was wearing light yellow Pjs.

"Ok, I dare you to call your dad and ask him 'When a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?'" I said smirking.

Tamaki gulped. He then dialed the number. "Hello Dad, I have a question that was just burning in my mind. Pause. Ok, When a cow laughs,does milk come out it's nose? Beep." Everyone but Tamaki laughed, while he blushed.

"Ok, Kyoya, truth or dare?" Tamaki asks.

"Truth." Kyoya was wearing blue Pjs, much like the twins.

"Ok, What is the most embarrassing picture of you?" Tamaki asked.

"It was a baby picture of me in a duck suit." Kyoya said, blushing. The twins were laughing hysterically.

"Hikaru, Truth or dare?" Kyoya said, with anger in his eyes and a flushed face.

"Dare!" Hikaru said. I could tell Kyoya wanted revenge, so probably not the best choice.

"Take an item of food from the refrigerator and kiss it passionately for 90 seconds." Kyoya said.

Amy lead Hikaru to the fridge. He came back with a banana. Kyoya got out his phone and hit the record button.

We sat in disgust as he made out with the thing.

"Honey, truth or dare?" Hikaru asked.

"Hmm, Dare! Hehehe!" Honey was wearing red footsie Pajamas.

"Ok, I dare you to lick frosting off of Y/N's face." He said.

"Ok!" Amy grabbed frosting from the fridge, and put some on my face. Honey then proceeded to lick it off.

"Y/N-chan, Truth or Dare?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"Dare!" I said, feeling confident.

"Ok, I dare you to sing a song!" He said. That was it? Pfff.

"O-OOH!!! CAN I HELP!?!?!" Amy yelled.

"Sure." I said.


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