Chapter 18

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We finished decorating the tree around 5:00. I went into the kitchen and started to cook dinner.

One hour later, I finished. I set the table and called everyone down to eat. We said grace and began eating.

"I got an email about you today, Z," Mom said, "What was it about," I replied.

"It was from Disney, They want you to audition to be Rocky Blue for there new show. It's called Shake it up," mom said.

"Are you interested in auditioning," Mom continued. I thought about it for a moment before answering.

"I guess it would be cool to try something new. Plus, I'm already in the media's eye so it wouldn't really matter if I did something like that,"I answered.

"Auditions are tomorrow at 7," Mom said, "A.M?" I asked and mom nodded. "That's way to early," I said. "Well if you want to be in the entertainment industry, your gonna have to wake up early," Jay said.

"That might be a deal breaker," I said. "Didn't you wake up early to go to school every morning back in Houston," Mom asked and I nodded, "Why is this any different," Jay said.

"Fine, I'll Try to wake up early," I said. "Speaking of school, When are y'all gonna let me start," I asked, "Soon," Mom replied.

We all finished dinner and mom did the dishes tonight. I went to my room. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I sat at my desk and let my creative energy flow.

When I was done writing my song, I stuffed it into one of my drawers. I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed.

I slipped into bed, I set up an alarm for 7. I looked at the time. It was 8:14. Wow, Its early. I laid back and covered myself with my very warm blanket and soon fell asleep.

*******The Next Morning*******

I quickly stumble out of bed. I pop open my eyes and look up. I see my mom with a bucket.

"WAKE UP!!! YOUR LATE!" my mom yelled, "Huh," I said and looked at the time. It was 8:07.

"Oh shit," I said to myself as I rushed to the bathroom and got ready in under 10 minutes. That's a new record for me.

I went downstairs and heat up a hot pocket. I ran into the van. I told the driver where to go and I was off. I ate my hot pocket in the van.

20 minutes later, I made it to the audition building. I ran into the building to see everyone packing things up.

"What, No, Put everything back up, I have an audition," I said to the first person I saw.

"Zendaya, where the hell were you. Your almost 2 hours late. The auditions were at 7, It's 8:26," I heard someone say.

I turned around and saw the producer of the TV show.

"I know and I'm sorry. I overslept. I promise it won't happen again. Please give me another chance and let me audition," I pleaded.

"Even if I do give you the part. How will I know you won't be late to set or any meeting," The producer said, "I won't, I promise, Please," I pleaded again.

The producer sighed. "Fine. Grab a script and show me what you got," She continued. I grabbed a script and stood right in front of the producer.

The producer sat down and I took a deep breath. I began to read.

Producer: Hey guys! I got tickets for Lady GaGa tonight, obstructed view. How obstructed? Ladie's room, stall 3.
Me: No thanks.
Producer: Are you sure? I'll throw in a complementary watch!
Me: Yeah, we've seen these watches before, mine has the big hand, and hers has the little hand.
Producer: Well, you didn't buy the warranty!

The producer clapped. "Great Job," the producer said and left.

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