Chapter Six-

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(I don't know why the pic is so funny!!! THEY HAVE FACIAL HAIR!!!! *ROTFL*
Alastair's P.O.V
I know exactly what's going on with Leo. Almost. After he blacked out, I went out to get churros and after that I went to my tower.
" Hoist the main sails!! Swab the poop deck! For the ship has nearly set sail!!" I shouted. Yes, I am talking about Leo and Luna. I need to devise a ship name but that's for another time...

I ran up the spiral staircase leading to my lab, determined to fully figure out what's going on with Leo. I know it has something to do with Thoreau, but I still don't have a clue. I reached the top, finally after like, twenty minutes of panting and wheezing. At the top step, I collapsed, a pile of green and really dangerous weapons.
"I really...... need..... to I....gotta....pee....." I wheezed.

After I relieved myself, I got straight down to business. I gathered my notebook and started climbing back down the stairs. At one point I tripped on my tail and fell the rest of the way down the stairs...Not fun...
"Hah! No severe injuries!! Houston we have a breakthrough!" I said as I got up from the floor. I put my pinkies in my mouth and winced slightly as a loud whistle pierced the air. I smiled and giggled slightly as I heard rapid wing beats and grinned even wider when my pet Archix flew in.

"Hello, my beauty!!!" I squealed as I stroked her mocha colored neck fur. She's like an ostrich mixed with a flamingo and an archeaptryx. She doesn't fly very well, but boy can she run. I have named her Ochipello. Or Ochi for short...
"We have business to attend to, my darling." I coo as I hopped into the saddle.
"To Yoshi's house!!" I commanded, pointing into the air and the other hand on my waist. Ochi took off at breakneck speed which could have killed a horse. Lucky for me I am a highly sophisticated mutant lizard thing. Very lucky indeed. Now I could be less lucky and be a mutant turtle but we all know that's not happening. I take great pride in being a mutant lizard. I mean, I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life. I kinda forgot what I looked like as a human......but that's besides the point! Where was I......Oh yeah!...because my intellect is far greater then any man on earth, my awesomeness does not compare with anything else it's so great! Sadly, I don't have wings , but if I did it would be like +1 ring of awesomeness. Why am I talking to myself?

I was suddenly knocked out of thoughts by a force that probably could've broken my neck. No less, Ochi stopped.
"Thanks for the ride. You, uh, want my number?" I said suavely. Ochi shot me a look and took off, kicking dust into my beautiful face. I sputtered and coughed.
"That's okay! I know where you live!!" I called after her. I walked over o the manhole set in the ground and was about to lift the cover when a slight breeze rolled over my skin. I stopped what I was doing, looking around at the dark alley before slipping into the shadowy depths of the sewers...

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