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Leo's P.O.V

      I stumbled clumsily into the kitchen, swaying in my stupid crutches. I cursed the damn things and struggled my way to the cupboards. I recklessly threw them open, clutching a glass in my hand. My eyes widened as I started to fall backwards. I searched for something to grab onto but could find no purchase. I gasped as a pair of hands caught me, lifting me back up.

      I smiled softly as my savior turned out to be Alan.

      "You alright, Leo?" He asked, helping me to stand straight. I nodded, clearing my throat softly. He scratched his head awkwardly.

      " I'm sorry about, you know, leading you to your demise in Cloudsdale...Thoreau really messed me and Alastair up..." Alan sighed as he sat down at the table. Yet, I smiled sofftly. I understand it wasn't their fault. Thoreau took over their minds and fudged up their priorities.

      "It's okay, Alan, I know you didn't mean it," I smiled at him, filling my glass with water. Ahh...good ol' water. He smiled, his cerulean eyes twinkling. Wow, he's a lot different then Alastair...Just...his moods. It's scary. I sighed softly as I leaned against the counter. Jeez, I'm so tired of being injured...

      Alan got up and waved at me as Alastair entered the kitchen, evaluating as he walked close to him. I greeted Alastair as he opened the fridge, procuring a bag of churros. I rolled my eyes softly and went to my room, de using to be alone but to my surprise Luna was sitting in there...

       "L-Luna!" I cursed the stutter in my voice," what're you doing in here?" I asked. She stood.


      "Do you want me to leave?" She started towards the door.

      "No!" I shouted, a bit too loud. She stopped, looking at me with her usual blank look. I searched for something to say, something witty, something clever...

      "Uh, so how about those Rams?" I asked. Why did I have to choose freaking football...She looked at me with a confused face.

      "Rams..? Leo, are you alright?" She asked as she strutted over to me, pressing her hand to my forehead. I shivered softly at her touch and looked at her. She looked at me. She looked away, her gaze dropping to the floor.

      "Leo...I...I really like you and um, I-I was wondering about if you wanted," she stopped, biting her lip. Why'd she stop? Did she change her mind...? Amazingly enough, her lips stamped onto mine and I was pulled into a vortex of loooooovvveee. I kissed back, although tense because of past...incidents.

      She pulled away, holding my face as her wings pressed against her back. I sucked in my breath in slow gulps. My face felt wet...I brought my hand to my cheek to find tears, although I had no clue if they were ecstatic tears or ones of dread. I was hoping it wasn't the latter.

      "Leo! Why are you crying?" She asked frantically as she dragged me to my bed and made me sit down. She enveloped me in a hug, her warmth calming me.

      "I-I don't want our r-relationship to go the way m-me and A-A-April's did!" I said through my shaky voice. I choked on her name, literally gagging it out. I couldn't even think about without either throwing up or having a panic attack. Saying her name made my sob harder then I already was, causing Luna to panic. She fanned air at me with her wings, trying to calm me. Really, I just wanted her embrace. I wanted her to hold me and tell me everything was going to be fine.

      After, I had calmed down, I told Luna about April...doing that too me...She seemed calm enough but I could see so many emotions in her eyes: Anger, sympathy, love, anger, anger, and more anger, with some hate and burning passion. A little bit of hunger to punch someone sprinkled in there. Fists gotta eat too.

      She layed down with me, cuddling just as I had wanted her too. I smiled softly and held her too me as I slowly fell asleep.

He dragged me to a room full of weapons and chained me to a post. Tugging on my wings every so often, he chuckled.

"Leo, you never cease to amaze me.." I could practically feel his cocky smile radiating off of him. I whimpered in pain as every part of my body burned with absolute agony. He pulled on my right wing and put something cold against the base. I gasped at its sharpness, it's cold blade. Was it an axe? A chainsaw...? A regular saw...? I didn't care, I just wanted to go home!!!

      "" I mewled out, struggling to make my voice work. I continued to plead with him. He didn't listen...Then...


      I screamed in torment as his blade cut right through the base of wing, slicing it off. Blood of claret value spilled to the floor, painting it red.


      I sobbed out as the other came clean off. I got dizzy from the pain and blood loss and blacked out but when I awoke the pain was tremendous....

      I woke up screaming; a horrible pain in my back. Luna shot up next to me and hugged me, pulling me into her embrace. I panted as I hid in her shoulder. 

      "It's okay, Leo. I'm here for you, love." She whispered. I blushed as she said this. But I liked it, it was comforting...

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