Seven *Trigger Warning*

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I wake up to the sound of the metal door opening.

Scott strides into the room and takes me to the same room I was in yesterday.

There is a chair facing where I was tied up except now Ashley is tied up.

I feel a rush of anger pulse through me.

"Why is Ashley tied up? She didn't so anything." I practically growl.

"You see, the thing is. You two are mates. I know she has seen and conversed with you two times since you stabbed us in the back. For that she will be punished and as part of your punishment, you have to watch." He smirks before strapping me into the chair and inserting the wolfsbane drip.

I clench my jaw as my body feels like I got set on fire. Literally.

He cuts Ashley's shirt off and I tense.

"Don't fucking touch her." I growl attempting and failing to get free.

"Easy there, don't hurt yourself." He smirks his fingers resting a little too long on her skin.

I growl as my eyes change color and I jerk at the straps on my arms again, ignoring the pain in my body from the wolfsbane.

"Leave her the fuck alone." I yell/growl.

"Don't make me hurt you too." He states before grabbing a whip with barbs in it.

That's when I lose it.

My muscles ripple as they grow bigger, my claws come out along with my fangs.

I rip one last hard time at my restraints, breaking them.

I rip the needle from my arm as my chest vibrates from a growl.

I lunge toward him grabbing his raised arm and spinning it making him drop the whip as I slam him against the wall hard.

I pin him to the wall with my hand tightly wrapped around his neck choking him. He grabs at my hand and arm trying to get me to release him as I stare into his blue eyes with my bright golden ones.

I hear the door opening and before I can react I feel two arrows pierce the skin of my back shocking and burning me.

I drop to my knees returning back to normal.

Before I know it I'm switched spots with Ashley. She's in the chair and I'm tied up getting whipped with the same whip Ashley was going to get.

My skin is shining from sweat, I don't even want to know how tore up my back looks.

I'm taking deep breathes to help cope with the pain.


I clench my teeth together as my body rocks forward.

"Fuck." I yelp out.

"Please stop hurting her." I hear Ashley, her voice strained from crying.

"She's getting what she deserves." I hear Scott say.

I take a shaky breath.

Don't cry. Don't show weakness.

I grit my teeth together as I get another lash.


After an hour and a half of straight whipping I get thrown back in my cell wincing as my raw back hits the freezing ground.

I deserve this. I deserve every bit of jt.

After a bit I hear the slot in my door open and a plastic tray being dropped.

I'm curled up in my corner crying.

I slowly and carefully make my way to the tray trying to keep the gashes in my back from hurting too much.

I wonder why they haven't healed yet.

I only eat part of my food before putting my tray on the small ledge and crawling back into my corner.

Voices flood into my head.

You deserve this pain. You betrayed the only people who cared about you for what? A false sense of belonging? Alex doesn't care about you. Tobin and Hope sure as hell don't give a damn about you. You are better off dead. You are a worthless piece of shit. You don't deserve happiness. You got Ashley in trouble and she's probably getting beaten senseless right now all because of you, you stupid fuck up.

"No!" I yell as I smack the wall and knot my fingers in my hair, tugging at it as I rock back and forth on my heels.

She probably hates you for what you did to her.

"Get out of my head!" I yell as I smack the sides of my head.

Tears begin streaming down my face. I'm going insane. I can't lose Ashley. I can't lose my family. They are all I have.

Alex and Tobin hate you. How stupid could you be to think they actually cared about you.

I clench my jaw as I fight back the voices.


I don't know how long I've been locked in this room. I lost count after three days.

I get fed once a day, the voices keep coming. It's nonstop and they keep getting fucking louder.

I can't take this anymore. I can't do it. I will not beg for death like they want me too. I'll just bring it on myself.

I sit in my corner waiting for my tray to be dropped into the cell.

As soon as I hear the clatter I crawl over to it quickly, ripping my scabs on my back open.

I dump the food onto the ground as I stare at the plastic red tray.

Just do it. No one needs you.

I break it down into smallish peices and search for the sharpest one. Once I pick the piece of plastic up I move back into my corner and lean my back against the wall.

You're better off dead you piece of shit.

I grit my teeth together as I stab the sharp piece of plastic into my chest. I pull it out and stab it back in again as I begin losing a lot of blood.

My vision blurs as my head falls back against the concrete wall and my blood soaked hands fall to my sides.

My mind drifts to short hair, hazel eyes and soft touches. The corner of my mouth tugs slightly forming a small smile.

I hear the heavy metal door screech open and Ashley scream my name before I lose consciousness.

A/N: Oakley is honestly too good for this world and she's a made up character. Let me know what you guys think about everything. Be nice to yourselves and the world around you -Kaycee

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